best way to germinate.

Blunted 4 lyfe

Well-Known Member
Ya I used to just use a glass with water but that was so long ago I don't even remember doing it.
So I just looked up on ways to germinate and the first thing was the paper towel method. It is such a difference because it only took my one seed to pop overnight and it was in the paper towel for 3 days.

You said about having too much iron and hard water, what do you mean by that? I have been thinking a lot about ph levels and it's starting to worry me.
I used to have ph up I think it was because my water ph was too low. So I am going to get a ph tester and see whtas going on. What is the right ph level for growing?
I have my own well, unfortunately with having your own well means you need to treat your own water.

Hard water is mineral deposits that will show itself in the form calcium buildup (white) I use water boss water softener which is a 2 stage softener the first is a sand mixture to capture sediment before finally going through a softener ( 50 lbs salt pellets from Home Depot, lowes) I live on a mountain with no sewer mains. City water is treated with chlorine and the high levels of chlorine can kill a seed hence the use of distilled or purified water to germinate seeds and I've never lost a seed with 100% success rate, but everyone has their own methods and I'm not knocking anyone's method we're here to help you. BTW ph levels range from 1-14, 7 being nuetral.


Blunted 4 lyfe

Well-Known Member
Ok I understand what your saying about the water. My fridge has a water dispenser that has a filter so the water comes out fresh, kinda like that brita water filter. So I think if I use good water I won't have to worry about ph.
It all depends on the type of grow you doing, if your growing hydro you need to test and adjust ph levels, soil grows on the other hand is more forgiving and need no adjusting of ph levels.


eugene b

Well-Known Member
Hey guys, when I used to grow I think I put my seeds in water until they popped open. Now that I am growing again I am trying the wet paper towel method. It doesn't seem to be working that well because my seeds are not popping and they've been in the paper towel for about 3 days.

What do you guys like to do to germinate?
Plug and play is the best way...straight into soil nature's own way...


Well-Known Member
I have my own well, unfortunately with having your own well means you need to treat your own water.

Hard water is mineral deposits that will show itself in the form calcium buildup (white) I use water boss water softener which is a 2 stage softener the first is a sand mixture to capture sediment before finally going through a softener ( 50 lbs salt pellets from Home Depot, lowes) I live on a mountain with no sewer mains. City water is treated with chlorine and the high levels of chlorine can kill a seed hence the use of distilled or purified water to germinate seeds and I've never lost a seed with 100% success rate, but everyone has their own methods and I'm not knocking anyone's method we're here to help you. BTW ph levels range from 1-14, 7 being nuetral.

Thank you so much for giving me all that detail.
I was worried about the ph of my water because when I used to grow 5 years ago I remember I had ph down.
So obviously the ph of the water I'm using now would most likely need ph down too. The water I used 4 years ago is the same purified water I use today.