Amos Otis
Well-Known Member
I didn't give it to any of my folks because I disliked it so much. We will see what a few weeks in the jars does.
As you well no, I didn't like them much either because of low potency. But the cat that got most of it said he and his peeps loved it, fwiw.
Black dog will be my last hso try, not sure when, but then its onward and upward
I can't say it often enough: the one Black D.O.G. I ran is superb. Loud, delicious berry taste, and fine potency. I wish I'd cloned it, but can't clone everything. Fortunately, I have 3 beans left, and it won't be long before another gets popped, An all time favorite plant for me. Pics not very far back in this thread.