Before & After pics .... Ouch

Quebec Big Dog

Well-Known Member
Lord: My freind did the first one for me !!!!

Anyways all is good now and I hope my yield won't suffer because of it. Like I said in the past I am aiming for 1 to 1.5lbs

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Here are a few pictures of what one of my plants looks like. Now these plants are in the 4th week. And I trimmed them about 2 weeks ago. Look at the middle picture and you can tell I had trimmed a lot of the lower branches. This from what I have read and listen to allows more energy to be spent on the top buds that get the light, plus air movement below.

Now I know this is not what some of you believe. But hey, there is more then one way to skin an Elephant.



Well-Known Member
Here are a few pictures of what one of my plants looks like. Now these plants are in the 4th week. And I trimmed them about 2 weeks ago. Look at the middle picture and you can tell I had trimmed a lot of the lower branches. This from what I have read and listen to allows more energy to be spent on the top buds that get the light.

Now I know this is not what some of you believe. But hey, there is more then one way to skin an Elephant.

Hey nice plants bro!! what do you think u'll get off that one in the first pic?? n what nutes?

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
I will not get huge yields per plant. But with this method I will have more plants. So the yield will be about equal, But I will have much less trimming time, and much less waste to throw away. At least that is the theory.


Well-Known Member
im just tryin to get a ball park estimate because that how big mine our right now.. what do ya think..ounce maybe two?

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Depends on what you count for the weight of yield. I trash (give away) all the smaller pop corn buds. This way of growing I get much less of them. With a 5-6 foot plant, I used to trash about 1/3 of my buds. I do also make hash and honey oil with this sometimes. But a guy can only have so much of it.

But out of that plant I hope to get 1.5-2 OUNCES. This is my target. When I had full sized plants I would get 3-4 OZ's each, But it would be hours on end of manicureing. I HATE MANICUREING!!!!! :wall:


Well-Known Member
Quebec Big Dog looks like they doing fine to me . GL to Everyone on the fruits they grow . And FDD2BLK you need to trim some of those bushes ya got in your backyard ... my gosh you just let those weeds run wild i guess lol awesome grow Fdd2blk i love your pics and vids . Again Glad your plants doing fine Quebec Big Dog

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Now show the new photos here. So all the people that have ear marked this thread can see them also.

And if you remember correctly. I also trim my plants during the start of flowering. The plants I have that are in Post #82 were vegged for only 2 weeks, then placed in flowering stage and then trimmed at 2 weeks flowering. They are now about 20" tall and clusters of 6-8 main type colas.

I think a few people owe you and your friends an apology. {:O)


Well-Known Member
and how do you know what they would have looked like. they could have been even bigger. who knows? gotta do a controlled experiment.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Different strokes for different folks. I myself have been trying to get more into the trimming and shorter veg times. I think I am really starting to like the results.


Well-Known Member
i was never hiding. :neutral:
so if i did a search for fdd + pruning i would find...nevermind, the search function works like xxxx. actually i think its pretty xxxxing (no demerits for this boy scout) amazing that you can take a stance against pruning given the thousands of years of human experience and uncounted number of scientific studies that show the benefit if done properly.

i remain respectfully in awe of your courage in the face of such advesaries.