The Dank Team

Hopefully most the gear we all got was legit but you never know if he's pulling shit like this. It's a damn shame it really is. Why can't folks just be honest and up front any more.
I will be the first at his door with a pitchfork if my sin city and exotic aren't legit. That being said Idk who all has bought exotic but those boys take tamper proof to another level
Yea I have Sin City and Exotic and those are tamper proof and like I said I deal with Sin City so I know my gear legit and all other breeders but it is crazy how most of these banks are turning to shit really. Everyone wants to sell seeds but there are only a few that have great service. I used to think this was one of those places but guess not. As many orders as I have had I think his ends it for me.
Yea I've had like 10+ orders from dank team on several breeders and all my gear legit. Lots of Sin City I bought I know for a fact is legit as Sin supplies them with them and they are listed as legit seller on their site so thedankteam has always been good to me but maybe they got said Grimm Bros from somewhere else who knows but I know everything I have is good. As natro said I haven't used them in a while a for good reason the service is really shitty plus nothing of real interest to beans beans from there right now. It they did restock on a couple I prolly would snag but I wouldn't be worried but I'm not trying to get Grimm gear right now so it don't bother me

Exactly james I was telling my girl this morning that maybe they got the packs from a middle man. Not unheard of. Duke diamond also has deleted the post.

Personally I'll keep shopping at TDT until I have an issue..
Why can't folks just be honest and up front any more.

How 'bout dishonest and up front?

What I don't get is why now? That brothers Grimm been on there for awhile now. What I don't get with these breeder vs bank beef is I'm quite sure they know how to contact each other. When breeders do shit like that on the gram it makes me wonder who's paying you off to bad mouth such and such bank. Everything I've ever bought from TDT was super tamper proof. Especially the exotic and Sincity gear. You damn near have to rip the box open to get your beans outta the exotic tamper proof packs. So if he's spending money to duplicate Sincity and exotic tamper proof packs he's losing more than he's making. And like @akhiymjames said TDT could've gotten Grimm gear from anybody. Same way greenlife have all of their gear and sells it for the absolute lowest you can find.
What I don't get is why now? That brothers Grimm been on there for awhile now. What I don't get with these breeder vs bank beef is I'm quite sure they know how to contact each other. When breeders do shit like that on the gram it makes me wonder who's paying you off to bad mouth such and such bank. Everything I've ever bought from TDT was super tamper proof. Especially the exotic and Sincity gear. You damn near have to rip the box open to get your beans outta the exotic tamper proof packs. So if he's spending money to duplicate Sincity and exotic tamper proof packs he's losing more than he's making. And like @akhiymjames said TDT could've gotten Grimm gear from anybody. Same way greenlife have all of their gear and sells it for the absolute lowest you can find.
I think bro Grimm was getting some complaints about gear that came from tdt, I had briefly read comments on ig last night an that's what I got from it.
I think bro Grimm was getting some complaints about gear that came from tdt, I had briefly read comments on ig last night an that's what I got from it.
What I don't get is why now? That brothers Grimm been on there for awhile now.
somebodys feelings got hurt...thats all... and now grimm is trying to get all the breeders/everyone to side with him....
2 sides to every story...
just this week i thought surely chris brown going back to jail... but know it sounds like a dumb money grabbing hoe....

ill still keep tdt in my side pocket... never did me wrong... but i really havent been on them since the ggg daez..... last time was earlier this year. topdawg sealed...
but i will say this... it does seem like more and more complaints are coming in...
sounds like he needs to clean house.... 1st to go... person in charge of mailing orders out...
somebodys feelings got hurt...thats all... and now grimm is trying to get all the breeders/everyone to side with him....
2 sides to every story...
just this week i thought surely chris brown going back to jail... but know it sounds like a dumb money grabbing hoe....

ill still keep tdt in my side pocket... never did me wrong... but i really havent been on them since the ggg daez..... last time was earlier this year. topdawg sealed...
but i will say this... it does seem like more and more complaints are coming in...
sounds like he needs to clean house.... 1st to go... person in charge of mailing orders out...
And if you read most of that thread on IG he was basically saying he's plemon to rat on TDT and get him shut down. First he said he wanted to meet him in the open them it went to ratting. Lmao these dudes crazy for real.. TDT good in my book until proven otherwise.
We've all spent good money there. This isn't the first time I've heard of some shady shit going on there. I'm sure all the tamper proof packs are legit but the others who knows... if I have to 2nd guess a place I'd rather spend my money where I don't. All breeders should tamper proof the shit out of the packs than you'd never have to question if it's legit. The middle man theory is probably what happened and brosgrimm got pissed because they didn't approve it. I'm pretty sure the dude from tdt used to be partners with the guy from seedsherenow so maybe he got them from him but who knows. I guess for now on just make sure whatever your buying is tamper proof from the breeders.
At the moment im Smoking on some ihg white animal that came As a freebie in a little baggy no breeder pack just label sticker with info on it. And the smoke is fire. Taste great looks great so I can only say I've had nothing but good experience dealing with TDT. whatever insider drama these people got going on really don't mean shit to me as long as I get my beans and so far I have.
Thanks You TDT this is some fire smoke.