Oregon Elite Seeds

I am just trying to share my experience. I am a 58 year old cancer patient and I do appreciate being attacked, Perhaps this forum is not for me.
First time I tried them. 1 of 7 germinated. No love from OES. I will not be ordering again.
You should probably provide is more info such as what seeds, what breeder? Toby from oes frequently hops on here I'm sure if it was breeder error he can try and set it straight as much as possible. Could be that you just don't know how to germinate a seed. We dont know you're experience and for u to bas oes is unfair. They got you your beans at a great price which is all they have to do. Good luck
Thank you. The breeder is Sin City Seeds. They have not responded either. I am new to this. My goal is to combat nausea. I have not partaken since my sons were born when I was 29. BTW, I do know how to germinate a seed, though my wife may disagree.
It takes alot of practice. Try some bag seeds or any seeds the size of a bean to get the hang of germination. It's not like everyone thinks just plant a seed and watch the magic. It's alot of work and effort combined with knowledge. You'll get the hang of it brother, just keep at it and stay positive.
Anybody ever ran any lost river genetics. I got some wall e plant (white widow x tahoe og) that's going into the shot glass tonight. Sounded like a decent cross so I gave it a try. Tahoe og seems to be pretty popular at the moment.
Thank you. The breeder is Sin City Seeds. They have not responded either. I am new to this. My goal is to combat nausea. I have not partaken since my sons were born when I was 29. BTW, I do know how to germinate a seed, though my wife may disagree.

One thing I can say is if you had an issue I'm sure Sin City will hook you up. They pretty busy but should get back to you that being said usually my Sin Citu beans are some of the fatest healthiest seeds I have and very high germ rates. Hopefully it was just grower error and believe me we all lose seeds so don't feel to bad but hope you luck is better on next pop session.
Theres a Auction on Instagram for Big Worm gear by OES. He will take bids via email current high is 420$ this is for people who do not do Instagram

Black Cherry Dojo f2
Qrazy Elephant f2
Prime Moonshine
Twizzler f2
Purple Vodoo f3
(2) Double Bucks

Worm will throw in a Sour Black Cherry
Damn, thanks for the heads up brother. It took me like a week and a half to realize when they/someone said an auction on IG; it was Instagram. Though I think this guy is about done buying seeds for awhile.
Theres a Auction on Instagram for Big Worm gear by OES. He will take bids via email current high is 420$ this is for people who do not do Instagram

Black Cherry Dojo f2
Qrazy Elephant f2
Prime Moonshine
Twizzler f2
Purple Vodoo f3
(2) Double Bucks

Worm will throw in a Sour Black Cherry
Per pack or are we bidding for all 7 packs at once ?