Donald Trump

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Well-Known Member
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Tied in Michigan? This year just keeps getting crazier!​
funny, all the pollsters have hillary up by about 6 in michigan. but sure, go ahead and pin your hopes to one outlier in a state that is not in play.

hillary has a better chance of winning georgia, arizona, south carolina, and missouri than trump does in michigan.

but congrats on finally breaking your silence after almost two months without a single poll to post about.



Well-Known Member
funny, all the pollsters have hillary up by about 6 in michigan. but sure, go ahead and pin your hopes to one outlier in a state that is not in play.

hillary has a better chance of winning georgia, arizona, south carolina, and missouri than trump does in michigan.

but congrats on finally breaking your silence after almost two months without a single poll to post about.

WOW. anyone know off the top of their head which is the largest voting bloc? Because I am pretty sure its independents!​


Well-Known Member
oh, poor stupid dave. the fact that you think trump did anything positive yesterday demonstrates very well that you don't know shit about the types of voters who decide elections.

an angry, screaming, xenophobic tirade is how it is being described. half of his hispanic advisory team is leaving him. now was when he needed to pivot and soften, lest he lose hispanics and college educated whites. instead, he went full-hitler with the scapegoating, lies, anger, and screaming.

indeed, what you witnessed last night was the pickett's charge of the campaign, which itself is the pickett's charge of white nationalism in GOP politics. trump's whole campaign is an angry, desperate last gasp of a demographically unviable set of ideas and policies, and the hate speech last night was the angry, desperate last gasp of the trump campaign.

when you are losing and need to gain voters, like trump does, you don't alienate the very people you need to come over to your side. but that is what trump did last night.

good luck winning florida with 14% of the hispanic vote. mccain and romney got about 30-35% and both of them still lost. trump is now pushing arizona and texas into swing state status decades ahead of schedule. hispanics are 31% of the electorate in arizona. there are not enough angry white racists like you to overcome that, dave.
Dave is very easy to fool. Sometimes i feel bad for him - but it does not last long.

Blunted 4 lyfe

Well-Known Member
Not only did he not bribe the Florida AG but he also did the same with the Texas AG in connection with Trump University scam.

Now I know for sure he won't release his taxes, if he did it might show HE got donations from foreign Governments that he in turn uses to bribe U.S. Officials.

But of course the supporters would say he's a smart businessman!


Well-Known Member
Actually no, Bald Rick. Why are you such an asshole?
Because I really hate the nationalist, racist schism that this country is going through of which you are a part. When you and your ilk's ideas are once again relegated to the dustbin of history, I will go back to being sweet and funny.

But until then, you are a moron. Have yourself 2nd amended before early voting starts.


Well-Known Member
Because I really hate the nationalist, racist schism that this country is going through of which you are a part. When you and your ilk's ideas are once again relegated to the dustbin of history, I will go back to being sweet and funny.

But until then, you are a moron. Have yourself 2nd amended before early voting starts.
Then your ability to read people is right down there with your intellect. I thought the carpetbagger you are voting for is a shoe-in...why the angst and anger? Seems like your panties are not only bunched but have creeped uncomfortably up your ass. Take a deep breath and maybe a Midol and tug out those panties.
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