Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
Of course. As soon as I feel comfortable and relaxed, living happily, on my merry way to better things, I feel like I can stretch out my weary body and bones in my happy home, with a happy and healthy kid, take a deep breath and yawn, life decides to fart right down my throat... I'm gonna try and keep my chin up, fix everything again, live through it, and continue. Ugh... Two steps forward, 12 steps back. I am hoping for some good news / good times in the next few days...??? "Fake-smiling" is starting to hurt. I hate being all negative.

Anyone wanna go in on a new farm with a gay, angry, middle aged, semi-overweight, punk rocker? I know how to bake, don't snore, masturbate silently, and can grow fire!

Gah, I fucking suck. Thanks for letting me /rant


Well-Known Member
Your recent report has been resolved: Post in thread 'How foreigners get weed in China?' - ;)
3:43 AM

Never noticed that before..

Maybe that shows how long its been since I've used the report button for good use...like spam

Apple bars would've turned out perfect but I didn't have enough of the cocaine topping.
There fixed it


Staff member
Your recent report has been resolved: Post in thread 'How foreigners get weed in China?' - ;)
3:43 AM

Never noticed that before..

Maybe that shows how long its been since I've used the report button for good use...like spam

There fixed it
It's cause I replied to it


Well-Known Member
Im still kijda drunk. Either lack of sleep n stims made me hesr this lady with a cockney accent or idk

Its definitelynnot a cute accentm illbfigure out whatt is reLb and wat jsny after work. Untilnthen i drinkna finalbstout nd blow more dudes orbrailsbidk


Well-Known Member
Last night was a trip. Spent close to 800$ at that bar. Tapbtskeover and i finishished everybbeer and had tacos.

Oh Ibalso forgot my money and ny friend had to cover.

I think the bartendress totally ruinennd me when w e bought the them all shots and chose some singlemalt whiskey.

Oh and the girl I was diggin says abs shes leaving "dont text me I have a boyfriend"

I guess I have a thing fot people in relationships

Shes also 100x more crazy then me.

Aint met a freak likebher in a min