No worries bro! I just changed up the name to match my ig account lol. Man, yeah, damn Colonie makers, they are land assassinators! It's like, no one owns land, it's the world's land, I mean I'm all for borders to check for crazy people, but this land is your land, this land is my land, from California, to the waters, this land was made for you and me lol, or however that song goes haha! Man, the mushroom biz is the one to be in, that sucks about the customs things, California even have check points for that on our highways, checking for non native plants and such. Strange but I guess a single plant could mess up the ecosystem so I guess I understand. When you publish your writings you better pm me the paper! Love to read it. Man I love my new pad, just so stressed from moving and everything taking so long to get going. I'm not much of a patient person, more of an anxious person lol. Lost some vision is one of my eyes from the stress

high blood pressure from stress can really mess things up, I never knew it had so many issues linked to it. But I'm trucking along and the end is in sight!
I can't complain sitting on my deck with only 1 neighbor in sight

I can actually do some outdoor next year now since I have some land so it's legal in the county woot! The room build is almost done and I figure out a way to use trays if I want

I messed up the plants I will be flowering though

never pH the water and they locked out

been so busy and just stressed I must have forgotten to pH grrr
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