Bud leaves are light green/yellow


Active Member
Hi, I have no pictures as it is my friends. He told me fan leaves look nice and green, but bud leaves are light green almost yellow.


Well-Known Member
Hi, I have no pictures as it is my friends. He told me fan leaves look nice and green, but bud leaves are light green almost yellow.
With out pictures no one can tell you. If I had to guess with no visuals I'd say a gallon of nitrogen should green them right up. Pour the nitrogen in slow no water needed make sure you get at least 10% runoff.

But in all seriousness get pictures if you want help


Well-Known Member
You definitely need to take action if the sugar leaves are turning yellow and you are not close to being finished. You should get a photo of your friends plant up

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
new growth yellowing usually means it an immobile nute deficiency, because the plant can't steal from the older leaves to feed the new growth. CA is the most common non mobile nute deficiency, try a dose of cal-mag, wait a few days, see if the new growth darkens up at all