I do not believe the Republicans will ever put forward a candidate that is not a sack of shit. They have realized that it is easier than finding a candidate that actually appeals to the American public. As long as the public stays stupid, they will try to capitalize on it. More hard times are coming for them.
It's a dying party/mindset....they'll be doing 'damage control' for years after this fiasco. When they've reached the point where Reagan and Nixon seem
reasonable in comparison, things are looking dismal.
Coulter, Rush, Palin, etc.etc....are you noticing a spike in
racist sickos within the last 20 years or so? The flagrancy and comfort with which the creatures reveal themselves and bark hateful shit in
public is unprecedented. No more closet hiders, they've got their own STATIONS and world wide web, these days!
Several of my people feel that this country is destined to be torn asunder by race-based wars. Sickening.
Fun fact: The Marx toy company used John's exact likeness when sculpting/creating their legendary Johnny West doll:

(Stuff from my granny, all from the 60s. The picture has his original assassination clipping behind it.)
But I digress...