I tried so hard to get those seeds, but ordered from Female directly and now realized thats a no-no.Thanks TC. Bass if my C-99 (from Female Seeds via Attitude) turns
out nicely, then I will buy a shipper and send you a clone. :0)
I am definitely looking to check out these Grimm Brothers lines. I have a
full pack of Apollo 13 F4s made from GB stock by Motarebel, the C-99 from
Female and Blimburn seeds, the Apollo 13 BX from TGA, and now I just
got the official C-99 pack from GB themselves.
Oh, and there is a Halloween sale, I must share, at The Dank Team, starting
at midnight tonight.
I am thinking about the Cannalope Haze from DNA.
(nope....sold out...damn! ;0)
From what I see they have great smelling and tasting stuff as TGA does, and I plan to try more. Sour Tangie is available here in clone form often, but the Clem is always gone now.I am going over The Dank Team's offerings, trying to nail down what
to get tonight, and I am finding that most of what I might jump on is sold out.
What opinion does the Community have about Crockett Farms?
Now, so many of what I thought to get from them is sold out, including their
Clementine and the very interesting Tangie crosses (the Banana one!) but if
they get good marks then I might try something else.
Sweet!I can recommend Tangie crosses in general...but I focus on strong flavor.
Consider the clone-share a promise. Let's see how she turns out. :0)
Thats step up seems like it should work fine.BTW: The Supplier got back to me and suggested that it is a good unit
and that I should not have any problems. (other users made the same
mistake and at least one is using the same fix ;0)
I am at that difficult stage....8.5 weeks. Now, I only took the Blueberry Gum
down because it is done enough, and 1.5 weeks past the recommended take date,
but I am rushing nothing. In fact, I am looking at them hoping for 9 weekers,
but most are still throwing hairs and stacking up, so I will let many go a full 10.
For several breeds, this is their only run, including a Cotton Candy. This makes
me want to make sure that they get all the time that they might need.
I might be losing a DPQ from Breeder's Boutique....caught without a clone.
I am going to have to reveg the NYCD from this round and that is the only
reveg I want to deal with right now. That process seems take forever and
has not always worked for me.
Now I wish that I was working again. LOL. I am getting a number of very
aggressive probes as to my availability. I think that I had better enjoy my
time while I can. FWIW, I took zero vacation time during my 2.5 years with
my previous firm. I need a break. :0)
I hate the idea of toxins in my weed, but I NEED bud to smoke lol.Yeah, we both had that battle.
I thought that we were done with the hot part of the year
(seems to be Mite Time) but it looks like we will have one
more hot period. I got Foramite too. Hate mites!
My memory is bad as well. It think I need to do some memory games, supposed to help prevent Alzheimer and dementiaLet us know.....totally ignorant of edibles here.
Good news on the Doc Bean Drop. I was blessed as well.
I am wanting to ask what BSB/CB is....
I have a (BSB/CB X WR) X DW where DW is Dr Who and WR is White Rhino
but I forget the other two. Embarrassing....Doc is asked this SO often. :0)