Guccifer celebrates WikiLeaks 10th with Clinton Foundation hack release


Well-Known Member
No i am not crazy why do you think most businesses left ?? for there good looks or to make more money and pay less TAX,,
See the problem is you think they don't pay enough taxes right ??? and they should save you the burden of taxes or national debt by taking care of it ..

Tax the rich because they stole the money right ???
Hey its not your fault you were taught that way pass the buck or problem off to someone else in hopes they will take care of it ..

That has been you government for some time now they do not address the problem like there debt they keep pushing it forward,, borrow more money from federal reserve,,
But at the end of the day its just another nail in the Coffin

Its like buying a home and only paying the interest , Guess what the house will never be yours

But for your info because you say trump has followed other companies over seas etc . He is classified as a criminal ???

Any elementary student could probably tell you how USA operates its not for the greater good but its to rape, attack, steal , minerals and there resources from other nations.
If you do not comply there are few options embargo yup we will starve you , or threaten to invade, or just invade.

We cannot just invade a country we have to make it out like you did something bad so lets make up or do something like 911 .
This will make the people furious and on our side . whats a few thousand innocent american lives for the greater cause ??? Absolutely nothing .

all you are is really a social security number nothing more nothing less Death n taxes ..

In this day and age every penny counts when your running a business ot even trying to survive

Lets look at Hillary for a moment what do you think she is doing ??? or has done already you do realize she has been selling you out ??? and profiting from it .

Would that not be treason ?? and deserve a american made ropes happily donated by millions of patriotic citizens ..

So lets be realistic here is Trump selling off your minerals to not a Allie but the enemy ?? it appears Hillary and the Clinton foundation did ,, there is no denying that did you get a check in the mail from any sale ???
And you want her as president ??
WTF other things might she take away or steal from the American people ??? she is not for the best interest of You she is a filthy, as it comes .. let alone unhealthy and un fit to boot
And only worried about her self ,, Are you really that blind to see ?????

Wonder if she does take office think about Clinton foundation or Bill will be working out of the white house
Scary shit right there

You have a constitutional right to vote for whom ever you like please just think twice before you check off your vote :)

People like uncle buck use the raciest in every sentence sure Trump maybe raciest so is every person in the world in some way or form
If you think about it USA rubs shoulders and are allies with the worlds worst racial countries but that is ok ?
Why aren't you lining up at the white house and screaming that ? At the end of the day the campaign is coming to closure one or the other is going to win .
Just remember there not going to save you from the dollar crash

I am about to start selling tickets to the event ring side seats :)

Nice sock you have here, you've been here crying since day two it's painfully obvious. Especially when you hang on the report button like a baby on a tit, drink up little guy! Lmao


i am not crying but laughing , to be honest. Its rather amusing watching the presidential race its really comical most other countries are laughing immensely..

You need to ask your self something if Hillary does get the office will Bill be living in the white house ???
And if so whats the chances ?? The Clinton foundation will have its own office inside the white house oh boy Hey ???
Whats the odds that foreign donations are for favors of some kind ??? think about it for a moment

Then think about how Hillary sold your uranium to the Russian's and now the Russians are in USA mining uranium as i post this :)

One must leave there divisions behind and think for the better of America . Hillary and the Clinton foundation is not a good choice how ever you look at it


Well-Known Member
i am not crying but laughing , to be honest. Its rather amusing watching the presidential race its really comical most other countries are laughing immensely..

You need to ask your self something if Hillary does get the office will Bill be living in the white house ???
And if so whats the chances ?? The Clinton foundation will have its own office inside the white house oh boy Hey ???
Whats the odds that foreign donations are for favors of some kind ??? think about it for a moment

Then think about how Hillary sold your uranium to the Russian's and now the Russians are in USA mining uranium as i post this :)

One must leave there divisions behind and think for the better of America . Hillary and the Clinton foundation is not a good choice how ever you look at it
"Laughing immensely" gtfoh, thats a clumsy ass, syntax error. "Their* divisions behind" jackass.

I dont give a fuck about grammar but your child like idiocy and strident, bitch like tone get my goat. So ill point out you are boderline illiterate.


Well-Known Member
i am not crying but laughing , to be honest. Its rather amusing watching the presidential race its really comical most other countries are laughing immensely..

You need to ask your self something if Hillary does get the office will Bill be living in the white house ???
And if so whats the chances ?? The Clinton foundation will have its own office inside the white house oh boy Hey ???
Whats the odds that foreign donations are for favors of some kind ??? think about it for a moment

Then think about how Hillary sold your uranium to the Russian's and now the Russians are in USA mining uranium as i post this :)

One must leave there divisions behind and think for the better of America . Hillary and the Clinton foundation is not a good choice how ever you look at it
How deep is your cut?

Because someone clearly cut you deep. So deep.


Well-Known Member
i am not crying but laughing , to be honest. Its rather amusing watching the presidential race its really comical most other countries are laughing immensely..

You need to ask your self something if Hillary does get the office will Bill be living in the white house ???
And if so whats the chances ?? The Clinton foundation will have its own office inside the white house oh boy Hey ???
Whats the odds that foreign donations are for favors of some kind ??? think about it for a moment

Then think about how Hillary sold your uranium to the Russian's and now the Russians are in USA mining uranium as i post this :)

One must leave there divisions behind and think for the better of America . Hillary and the Clinton foundation is not a good choice how ever you look at it

That mine is in Canada ,you idiot.


That mine is in Canada ,you idiot.
Awe Really so am i Canadian idiot how you like Trudeau's moving expenses for his staff ??? or how do you like still MJ not legal ,, but were 2 billion more in debt how you iike them apples ???
Sad thing is like him so is Hillary all lies just think by next election MJ still will be illegal


Well-Known Member
Awe Really so am i Canadian idiot how you like Trudeau's moving expenses for his staff ??? or how do you like still MJ not legal ,, but were 2 billion more in debt how you iike them apples ???
Sad thing is like him so is Hillary all lies just think by next election MJ still will be illegal

Come again, I don't speak retard try english.


Well-Known Member
Awe Really so am i Canadian idiot how you like Trudeau's moving expenses for his staff ??? or how do you like still MJ not legal ,, but were 2 billion more in debt how you iike them apples ???
Sad thing is like him so is Hillary all lies just think by next election MJ still will be illegal

Who wrote your more legible post earlier ?