Will heads explode when Hillary is elected?

idiot for thinking some shitty wikileaks crap would take down hillary. a weasel for making a sock and coming back.

He hinted like a sum bitch tho, and had all the world thinking he was about to release indictment material on Hillary. Giving Wikileaks Superb track record for exposing corruption and lies, who would not believe that he was about to release something, hinting "The end was near for Hillary" for several days. Like i said, i held up my end of the bet. You can't start adding things onto a bet after it's already been agreed too!
Someone might cite your words to establish the fucking hideous stupidity and vile beliefs of trump supporters, besides that your posts are turds. No one would quote shit that spews out of your idiotic ass. Gtfoh lout

trumps odds falling every few days

Next President of the United States of America
Odds as of October 3 at Bovada

  • Hillary Clinton -300
  • Donald Trump +225
Yet you just quoted him
Are you trying to claim you didn't just quote him or are you butt hurt because I pointed out the obvious?
Ya, please show the quote.

Also "yet" as a rhetorical device is trite and disposable, like your thinking.

Where did I quote him pussy?
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