another bitch post . bad things about growing .


Well-Known Member
I think it comes down to if you are just growing for yourself or not....

It's cheap to turn out a small area for personal use.


Well-Known Member
My point is anyone with a big bill like that should invest into a system like yours.

It would pay for itself.

This is what I hate about the US energy argument. For some reason people simply the situation to the point if there isn't ONE single magic cure the fuck it.

We all need to do our part. Could you imagine the difference if everyone reduced their usage by 15-25%?

Couple what you did with some solar and we can make a difference.
THIS I can get behind.

bryan oconner

Well-Known Member
right some people do it for there self and others for commercial . I am just like everybody else just a small guy . but have a woman and her friends that smoke 3 zips of tomatoes a week. I cant bitch about that trust me guys I get a lot in return from her friends my lady is ok with that . only problem is I am starting to get old don't want to f...k every day any more . lol

bryan oconner

Well-Known Member
yes that pisses me off . people throwing shit into the lakes in the forest and tossing there trash in the woods . they don't think it will still be there next year and after that . throw it in a parking lot I could care less at least there is somebody paid to clean it up .


Well-Known Member
my major bitch is the e bill . my bill came in today . and it was 95f and humidity of 90 % and every damn thing was running 24/7 and the house kept it a very cool 85 f the entire month fucking hot as hell when your trying to sleep . damn bill is nocking my socks off just to cool it control humidity . was 750 . I was thinking 400 tops mabe 500. 750 not including lights fans I am not going to say my total bill that's my fault so I cant bitch . but come on 750 that's bull shit . not like I could suck air from out side in with 90 % humidity . wtf . next year I will shut it all down that time of year for a few months and clean and redo things . my other bitch is moving all the soil those bags keep getting heavier year after year . so yeah fuck super hot weather never again its on my next years calendar shut down for 3 months .
Post like this make me so happy when I bought my house I had the foresight to have solar for my energy and geothermal for heating and cooling my house. My wife would set my shit on fire in a bad way if I produced electric bills like that anymore


Well-Known Member
Are you in a party cup competition? That pot looks a bit puny for the nice plant it is supporting...or was Grandpa's advice on the lines of finding a wife with small hands. :)
Its in a 76mm pot which is 3 inches, plant is a foot tall at least.


Well-Known Member
Its in a 76mm pot which is 3 inches, plant is a foot tall at least.
I start in coco pucks. once they sprout I move to 1 gallon. I keep mine in 1 gallon till I want to move to flower then re-pot into 10 gallon wait 2-3 weeks and move into flower room. t5's are great for veg. 8 bulb 4' by 1'



Well-Known Member
Your small seedlings dont seem that close to your t5s, 12inches or so id say...

I start in coco pucks. once they sprout I move to 1 gallon. I keep mine in 1 gallon till I want to move to flower then re-pot into 10 gallon wait 2-3 weeks and move into flower room. t5's are great for veg. 8 bulb 4' by 1'


Well-Known Member
Your small seedlings dont seem that close to your t5s, 12inches or so id say...
ya I should hang another light and give them their own t5 but I'm on vacation right now, plus my t5's are to strong to have it real close to seedlings. When they're about this big is when I slam em with light.

bryan oconner

Well-Known Member
everybody has there own way of veg there plants . looking at both pics to me both are wrong I don't like . should of been topped a very long time ago should have at a min of 8 nodes on the tops trimmed off all the bottoms . like I say you do what you think is correct . im sure a lot of people would hate how I do it . I throw a shit load of plants under t8 led worse then t5 I like the energy savings and zero stretch . actually I get fast growth off them surprisingly from a few 19 watt led tubes about a bit under a inch a day after they are 6 inches tall but I have co2 .


Well-Known Member
everybody has there own way of veg there plants . looking at both pics to me both are wrong I don't like . should of been topped a very long time ago should have at a min of 8 nodes on the tops trimmed off all the bottoms . like I say you do what you think is correct . im sure a lot of people would hate how I do it . I throw a shit load of plants under t8 led worse then t5 I like the energy savings and zero stretch . actually I get fast growth off them surprisingly from a few 19 watt led tubes about a bit under a inch a day after they are 6 inches tall but I have co2 .
lol I top the shit out of my veg. topped at 3 nodes and a bunch after. i don't top till 3 nodes. not sure what you were looking at?


bryan oconner

Well-Known Member
lol I top the shit out of my veg. topped at 3 nodes and a bunch after. i don't top till 3 nodes. not sure what you were looking at?[/QUOTE I see that . not yours . hey you using all 6500 or less ? throw a 10000 k over the plants mix them into the 6500 this 10k will make them stop looking so droopy they will lift up towards the light more . there is a lot more blue . the plants will stand up more like they do under metal halide . do a side by side only do 1 light I bet you will be back at the store tomorrow buying all 10 k tossing out all the 6500 .


Well-Known Member
Post like this make me so happy when I bought my house I had the foresight to have solar for my energy and geothermal for heating and cooling my house. My wife would set my shit on fire in a bad way if I produced electric bills like that anymore
Fucking sweet! I bought and installed my own dual circuit heat pump unit. Unfortunately, wind power is not worth the installation cost and there are far too many trees in the neighborhood for solar to effectively offset my power usage.

I'm thinking fuel cells... :fire: