I read the first 10 pages or so of this thread then bits and pieces as I went along so thank you very much MisterBlah and I owe you a million likes!
The very first time I ventured into using hydroponic nutes was about 1982. I bought a 1000W Mh ballast and bulb and nutes from Western Water Farms in downtown Vancouver, BC.
The nutes came in a bunch of bags of the raw salts you've all been discussing these many pages. I got a badly photocopied page of recipes for various types of plants but the sales guy said to use the one for tomatoes.
(nudge nudge, wink wink)
Didn't work out too bad as the buds I got I had eager buyers for and even dealers I knew wanted to swap even-steven for the street schwag going around at the time. Nothing I'd brag about these days tho.
I have a diploma in chemistry so it's not like it's a big deal so suss most of this out and get back into tailoring my nutes to meet the demands of the plants as I've got pretty good at that since producing my first buds in '78 using dirt, sheep shit and sand from my father-in-law's farm in central Alberta to grow bag seed like Thai Stick, Jamaican Red Hair and Maui Waui. Totally junk by today's standards but a big hit with my buddies in Calgary at the time.
I've since found it so much easier to subscribe to the KISS method of growing and stick to AN pH Perfect nutes for DWC and my soilless growing efforts. Haters of AN need not reply!
Like MrBlah has stated in this thread his reverse engineering only covers the base salts part of the nutrients and can't even begin to cover all the permutations of added amino acids and all the other subtle additives of quality nutes. These are the little things that raise adequate nutrition into better nutrition for your plants.
Who wants to know how to replicate GH nutes. They've always been the lowest common denominator of the hydro nute class. Cheaper because they always used the cheapest sources for their salts, Chinese in many cases and loaded with heavy metals. Cheaper because they had lousy quality control and each batch had different levels of the advertised nutrient salts. Cheaper now because Scotts Miracle-Gro/Monsanto has bought them out along with Botanicaire, Gavita and who knows what else and coming soon to a WalMart near you if that isn't enough to tell the story. You can bet those guys find even cheaper and more contaminated sources for their base materials now to support the corporate agenda of higher profits by any means is great for the bottom line and makes shareholders happier.
Along with fighting against the tyranny of pot prohibition we should all be fighting against the corporate takeover of our cannabis culture by not buying from the corporations that are trying to shut us down and kill us with their toxic products!
You guys are doing that by reverse engineering those bastards products and Jah bless you for your efforts!