I think we should all be entitled to healthcare...rich, poor, whatever.It's sad to watch someone who desperately needs their meds have to decide between that and food.England's health care isn't exactly "free" it's paid for by taxes.And perhaps if we cut some of the missile budget and rerouted that to healthcare,more people could actually see an improvement in the quality of their lives.If people with inferior healthcare weren't denied lifesaving procedures because the health insurance won't pay for it, and if they would actually try to implement more preventative medicine, things would be better for all.But in this country, they wait until you're sick, and then, based on what you can pay, treat you accordingly.Doctors who have taken the hippocratic oath are killing poorer patients by not treating them properly,releasing them, and treating them again to milk as much money as possible.If you think I know nothing of, this, forget it...I've seen it first hand.My father decided to die rather than fight his leukemia any more.Because we make too much money for medicaid,but too little to pay the premium on my old man's health insurance,which incidentally will not pay for my pre existing polycystic ovaries, and clinical depression, I go without my medication.Since the birth of my second daughter, I KNOW something is wrong, I haven't been the same since her birth three years ago.It's just cheaper for me to possibly die than go and get tests.