Methods for highest possible yield indoor


Well-Known Member
Electric radiation is a form of heat. Thats what a microwave oven is... Heat can have many forms...

Think about it for a second :

where it all a power station, they take coal, nuclear energy which just emits huge amounts of IR heat due to its volatility...

Anyways lets take a coal power station, they throw coal in an oven this heat gets transferred to the BOILERS (water), the steam from the water then turn generators producing Electricity (another form of heat) Electricity is nice because it can be transfered accross a country to a point where it is needed. Say a light for example, it is converted back into the light....

Heat = energy = light.... in different forms (electrical, light, physical, chemical etc)
Please stop posting such retarded shit


Well-Known Member
Not just red, or yellow.
Blue is necessary, if you want it to look wet with resin. There are "conversion" bulbs, but I use an hps with a big blue spike. Ushio brand. Look it up.
Are you buying or have you got any cobs,?,as your post a couple up from this says "look for cobs. Efficiency.!" But you tell me Ushio hps is what YOU use. I agree cobs are most efficient, what do you recommend as best cob.? I myself use sunmaster hps dual spectrum bulbs. But looking into cob lighting. Would appreciate your opinion..

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
6000W all produce the same amount of heat. no matter if it is from HPS or LED. they will all heat your room up the exact same.

Less cost is not true, LED's are more expensive upfront.

Energy efficient yes, if that is ones priority.
No they will not. LED is more efficient at turning electricity into light. Led yields more light per watt and less heat. HID is the opposite. Law of conservation of energy. check it out. Light energy vs Heat energy.

Budget Buds

Well-Known Member
The genes of plant determine potential yield, wether or not you can dial in the environment to reach that potential is up to you. L.E.D lighting is the most efficient way to get par watts to your plants, anywhere from 40-75% percent efficient . The most efficient way to grow them is with aeroponics, There is no other way to get the most for your plants in the least amount of time, Since I went to aero I dropped 7-10 days off of my schedule, I can now get an extra harvest each year because of it.


Well-Known Member
No they will not. LED is more efficient at turning electricity into light. Led yields more light per watt and less heat. HID is the opposite. Law of conservation of energy. check it out. Light energy vs Heat energy.

LEDS produce more light compared to HPS watt for watt.

However as LIGHT is a form of heat, ultimately the quantity of heat will be the same if they use they use the same amount of watts.


Well-Known Member
Please stop posting such retarded shit

Perhaps if you took the time to try and understand our physical universe you wouldnt come and post such brilliant postings like the above.

Ill be generous and share some information about what energy actually is.

First, EVERYTHING is energy. Energy is matter, matter is energy. E=MC2. Albert Einstein figured this out and he is correct.

So essentially your keybourd is energy.

Elections/energy = weight - charged batteries weigh more than discharged ones.

If you go really fast and weigh things, they will start weighing "more", as energy <-> matter can interchange. If your car is going 100 miles an hour and you weigh it, then you weigh your car when it is going 100,000 miles an hour, it will weigh a LOT more, as you will have gained mass from the energy in your car. this only works if the car was accelerated by using energy from another object (EG: Tow the car to the speed then weigh it, if it uses its own energy to reach that speed then it would weigh the same as when it started). However if you the driver were to weigh themselves you will find you have gained an incredible amount of mass leading to an increase in weight. You would weigh over a TON. Why? You are going at a very high speed, you are FULL of electrons (energy) -> electrons = Matter which has mass which will make you weigh more.

Now kinetic energy, heat energy, anything that moves, anything that you see, you are seeing energy in different forms.

If you burn coal, you are not creating heat or making energy, you are simply releasing the chemical energy stored within it. The energy is there already.
Electricity is a great form of energy because you can transfer energy from one location to the next.

The light you see from the sun, the light you see from your LED, HPS is all the same, just different "strengths/forms/wavelengths of energy.

Plants require energy to grow and live. Just like every other animal does. Plants use energy around them to grow. Plants need heat and light. However plants are selective on what kinds of light they "like". Green light they cant absorb because it gets reflected off the leaves.
White light it likes a lot for veg growth. However any light will enable the plant to grow and live. Aslong as there is warmth and light, even a candle or your computer screen is enough to keep it alive. Remember though, heat is light. It is simply a spectrum we cannot see. All objects that have energy emit IR which is a spectrum of light we cannot see. We can feel it though, plants feel light the same way we feel warm objects. Its all heat and energy to them.

If you give a plant only red light, its grows long stems...why? I am not sure why exactly, but RED light is LOW energy light. Somehow (I am not sure how) but somehow the plant knows that if its recieving red light it means its "far away" from the light source and it grows long stems to try get closer.

Blue light is high energy light, somehow the plant knows this and blue light keeps it short.

If you put the plant in the dark and you give it HOT temps, for some reason it doesent stretch in the night period.....maybe to the plant, because it is "hot" and it has lots of "energy" it thinks its close to the light source and doesent stretch? This is my thinking...would like anyones oppinions on this..

All objects decay over time -> they slowly release their energy and turn into "nothing" (not really, its particles have now been scattered accross the universe, so it still exists.)

Eventually the universe will die a heat death -> essentially all energy will float away into space and the universe will be left at absolute zero. Even if we were try to insulate the last bit of energy we are going to run out of energy and that will be the end of life...

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Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
4x 600W is TOO LITTLE for 105 m2!!

That is = to 5.7w per square foot! You need 50W per square foot.

Your room needs atleast 10x 600W HPS. 14-16 being optimal.

If your seriosly using 2400W to light that space...then show pictures of your finished buds please...want to see what they look like.
WHAT? 14-16 for a 11.5 x 10 (approx)? OVERKILL! 12 at the very most! I might run 8, split 4 to a side, along the 2 11.5 walls.
Use the center for your isle.

Hell, I would simply run 4 1K's spaced along the 10 ft wall and center isle the long way. Say 8 plants a side and between 4.5 to 5.5 foot tall plants. With a proper Blue Dream strain (high yielder).....That's 168 zips (average) per run,,,,NO problem! Those are my average yields from plants in 5 gallon pots, at 5 ft, and the ones in 7's do even better....

Another look would be to completely cover the area with a certain one gallon pot that would allow for 226 plants in that area!
SOG to the hilt. flip them at 6 - 8 inch's and cull over 226 zips....a 283 zip yield is very do-able......Good luck watering the area though! For every sq ft of space used as an isleway. You would deduct 4 plants and 1.25 zips each from the equation.

I have done this style of SOG in small area's and with 400w HID and beat 3gpw.....I guess I'm saying that Grams per watt is not a measure of ability but, of effective use of area, lighting and strain potential.
I'm also saying that this is very doable in larger scales!

Of course that depends on plant count limits or your limits as to getting seed and or clones in those numbers....

Any way, just pointing out possibilities!


Well-Known Member
Porky you are wrong but i am done argueing with you about it
Not arguing bro!

I'm telling you how I understand the current science we have available.

Please share your thoughts??

Not arguing about it... We all here to learn!


Well-Known Member
This is correct, first law of thermodynamics and the law of conservation of energy make this true. 6000w of energy from any source will produce the same heat.
The idea with LED is you need less wattage to produce a given amount of light, with a spectrum better suited. If you use LED, you should be able to use a lower wattage light, not the same wattage as using HID


Well-Known Member
WHAT? 14-16 for a 11.5 x 10 (approx)? OVERKILL! 12 at the very most! I might run 8, split 4 to a side, along the 2 11.5 walls.
Use the center for your isle.

Hell, I would simply run 4 1K's spaced along the 10 ft wall and center isle the long way. Say 8 plants a side and between 4.5 to 5.5 foot tall plants. With a proper Blue Dream strain (high yielder).....That's 168 zips (average) per run,,,,NO problem! Those are my average yields from plants in 5 gallon pots, at 5 ft, and the ones in 7's do even better....

Another look would be to completely cover the area with a certain one gallon pot that would allow for 226 plants in that area!
SOG to the hilt. flip them at 6 - 8 inch's and cull over 226 zips....a 283 zip yield is very do-able......Good luck watering the area though! For every sq ft of space used as an isleway. You would deduct 4 plants and 1.25 zips each from the equation.

I have done this style of SOG in small area's and with 400w HID and beat 3gpw.....I guess I'm saying that Grams per watt is not a measure of ability but, of effective use of area, lighting and strain potential.
I'm also saying that this is very doable in larger scales!

Of course that depends on plant count limits or your limits as to getting seed and or clones in those numbers....

Any way, just pointing out possibilities!
Yep your right. I made a mistake in my maths earlier on... :D

How did you get 3gpw?? Please elaborate on your setup!


Well-Known Member
Lol where did you study physics, close it down, u just making shit up and throwing a bit of special relativity in to the mix, it's a bit like decorating dog shit with potato crisps, the sum being even more hideous than the component parts

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Yep your right. I made a mistake in my maths earlier on... :D

How did you get 3gpw?? Please elaborate on your setup!
Did it years ago in a homemade ebb system that sat in a metal frame I welded up. Res. tank at the bottom so it simply was pumped up and when the pump stopped it flowed back to the res. I jus bought the tray, tank and pump. Used other things laying around for the remaining parts (no shortage). Just broke 3 per by single cola running and using rockwool in it....It was a 2x2 area I used to dial in feeding rates, etc. For new strains when I ran hydro.......I still have that whole unit stored away....I attempted the 3 per thing to see if I could do it in that...It took several tries and strains to nail it.

The best result in soil was 64 plants in a about a 4.5x4.5 area filled with a heavy yielding strain in one gallon pots (a perticular brand of pots - deep and with a 6" diam. Flipped at between 6.5 to 8 inch's in the plants height (hard to get 64 plants to grow at the same rate to size). Yields were averageing over a zip a plant and had one harvest come out to just over 2200 grams. That was with a 600w light so about 3.67 grams per...
This took a cpl of tries to get the strain dialed and the size to bloom at, before result was successful.

Most of the learning is in you......Find the right strain. Dial that in for best results. Go for it!

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
LEDS produce more light compared to HPS watt for watt.

However as LIGHT is a form of heat, ultimately the quantity of heat will be the same if they use they use the same amount of watts.
i'm not sure thats right, leds produce the spectrum you want, with less waste in unused portions of the spectrum, but do they actually produce more lux per watt?


Well-Known Member
i'm not sure thats right, leds produce the spectrum you want, with less waste in unused portions of the spectrum, but do they actually produce more lux per watt?

That's actually a great question. I am not sure.. As I understand LED technology cannot be measured in lux?