Please stop posting such retarded shit
Perhaps if you took the time to try and understand our physical universe you wouldnt come and post such brilliant postings like the above.
Ill be generous and share some information about what energy actually is.
First, EVERYTHING is energy. Energy is matter, matter is energy. E=MC2. Albert Einstein figured this out and he is correct.
So essentially your keybourd is energy.
Elections/energy = weight - charged batteries weigh more than discharged ones.
If you go really fast and weigh things, they will start weighing "more", as energy <-> matter can interchange. If your car is going 100 miles an hour and you weigh it, then you weigh your car when it is going 100,000 miles an hour, it will weigh a LOT more, as you will have gained mass from the energy in your car. this only works if the car was accelerated by using energy from another object (EG: Tow the car to the speed then weigh it, if it uses its own energy to reach that speed then it would weigh the same as when it started). However if you the driver were to weigh themselves you will find you have gained an incredible amount of mass leading to an increase in weight. You would weigh over a TON. Why? You are going at a very high speed, you are FULL of electrons (energy) -> electrons = Matter which has mass which will make you weigh more.
Now kinetic energy, heat energy, anything that moves, anything that you see, you are seeing energy in different forms.
If you burn coal, you are not creating heat or making energy, you are simply releasing the chemical energy stored within it. The energy is there already.
Electricity is a great form of energy because you can transfer energy from one location to the next.
The light you see from the sun, the light you see from your LED, HPS is all the same, just different "strengths/forms/wavelengths of energy.
Plants require energy to grow and live. Just like every other animal does. Plants use energy around them to grow. Plants need heat and light. However plants are selective on what kinds of light they "like". Green light they cant absorb because it gets reflected off the leaves.
White light it likes a lot for veg growth. However any light will enable the plant to grow and live. Aslong as there is warmth and light, even a candle or your computer screen is enough to keep it alive. Remember though, heat is light. It is simply a spectrum we cannot see. All objects that have energy emit IR which is a spectrum of light we cannot see. We can feel it though, plants feel light the same way we feel warm objects. Its all heat and energy to them.
If you give a plant only red light, its grows long stems...why? I am not sure why exactly, but RED light is LOW energy light. Somehow (I am not sure how) but somehow the plant knows that if its recieving red light it means its "far away" from the light source and it grows long stems to try get closer.
Blue light is high energy light, somehow the plant knows this and blue light keeps it short.
If you put the plant in the dark and you give it HOT temps, for some reason it doesent stretch in the night period.....maybe to the plant, because it is "hot" and it has lots of "energy" it thinks its close to the light source and doesent stretch? This is my thinking...would like anyones oppinions on this..
All objects decay over time -> they slowly release their energy and turn into "nothing" (not really, its particles have now been scattered accross the universe, so it still exists.)
Eventually the universe will die a heat death -> essentially all energy will float away into space and the universe will be left at absolute zero. Even if we were try to insulate the last bit of energy we are going to run out of energy and that will be the end of life...