
Well, yeah actually, bruh, by crossing super resinous, uber potent strains into super freaky, pretty, purple and pink ones, we are inherently changing the genetic code and overall blanket statement that purple strains are generally inferior overall in genetic strength
That jus ain't no longer true
Thanks to boys like Worm and Doc, here, woop,woop, we all (and i too very soon) can shut up local cats or whoever is dissin purple with da utmost authority

I'm proud of these boys and anyone rockin their gear

It's what the game needed
Strain wise
That is awesome!!! i hope i get a frosty purple one in the freebies. oh man.... i cant wait to get this stuff going. sounds like Worm and Doc are doing good things. i will soon find out. Twizzler and gorilla doctor phil would say.. "lets do it". lol
That is awesome!!! i hope i get a frosty purple one in the freebies. oh man.... i cant wait to get this stuff going. sounds like Worm and Doc are doing good things. i will soon find out. Twizzler and gorilla doctor phil would say.. "lets do it". lol
I'm glad I got the twizzler f2. I like twizzler but I like the idea of f2 better to see what phenos come out from the background. You'd be wise to grab a pack of Triple purple rhino and big worms double bucks if u after no temp change purps. Gotta act fast for double bucks and I mean fast. I've got my fair share of double bucks so I'm one less u have to compete with lol. I got 2 in veg and a 7 pack in my fridge for future breeding plans.
I'm glad I got the twizzler f2. I like twizzler but I like the idea of f2 better to see what phenos come out from the background. You'd be wise to grab a pack of Triple purple rhino and big worms double bucks if u after no temp change purps. Gotta act fast for double bucks and I mean fast. I've got my fair share of double bucks so I'm one less u have to compete with lol. I got 2 in veg and a 7 pack in my fridge for future breeding plans.
Ill keep an eye out for double bucks.. what is it?
Anyone got good ideas on cameras under a g that take nice photos. Something digital with all around capabilities. Close up and spring mushroom hunts along with autumn leave changes would be a awesome. I'm not looking to have multiple lenses and bs just a good camera in the all around department.
Lmfao too funny. I tried to quote ur post but couldn't find it. Ur the one who first told me the lineage as I remember. Thanks fam
No problem. He just posted on ig a pic of dpd in flower waiting on some bp pollen. I didnt know mom or pop neither lol
LMAO, I want to snub his eyes out, fucking flickering shite :)
i said the same thing lol i knew it would make someone trip lmao
Anyone got good ideas on cameras under a g that take nice photos. Something digital with all around capabilities. Close up and spring mushroom hunts along with autumn leave changes would be a awesome. I'm not looking to have multiple lenses and bs just a good camera in the all around department.

My Canon 600D is a DSLR I got for under $1000AU so you'd be able to get it or a Nikon 60D for well under a grand. Get yourself a sick macro lens with it and BAM, you'll be taking sick pics on no time :)
Anyone got good ideas on cameras under a g that take nice photos. Something digital with all around capabilities. Close up and spring mushroom hunts along with autumn leave changes would be a awesome. I'm not looking to have multiple lenses and bs just a good camera in the all around department.

Surprisingly, an iPad produces all of my photography, even my macros like this
(Using a ten dollar clip-on macro lens)
The iPad pro 9.7 or iPad air 2 are what you want these days, they're the two best cameras on tab. They have better cameras than any device phone or tablet, minus perhaps the Samsung S6 which is pretty sick and simple and small but harder to edit and crop on

If you can get one cheap that is what's up. Not worth a 700-$1k to me, but for 200 I can't say no. Craigslist baby

Otherwise a Canon or Nikon D/SLR camera with 85mm/100mm macro lens is what's good for overall dexterity, speed, sharpness, and vivid crispness.

They also got digital microscopes that take video and screen shots on LCD for about 400 although brand names are one thi I wouldn't be able to help u with

That's the one thing I've yet to grip yet. eBay can give u deals sometimes due to low reserves or bid competition

If you find one holla at your boy!! I want one too lol
Hello folks sorry for not being on lately i usually dont posts my personal problems but i was in the hosiptal for a few days cause i cant breath and found out i got copd so long story short a few packages i was supposed to get out didnt go out and the one person is pissed, everybody knows that i never ripped off anyone in my life, i just dont understand why people get so mad and flip out, now i did fuck up and found two packages in my wife car that was suppose to go out so yes my fuck up but shit i threw in two packs out of my vault for the fuck up the one guy is cool as ice cream and the other got is snapping, i just dont understand why peeps flip out like that, maybe its just me but i hate to have unsatisfied customers, idk
Hello folks sorry for not being on lately i usually dont posts my personal problems but i was in the hosiptal for a few days cause i cant breath and found out i got copd so long story short a few packages i was supposed to get out didnt go out and the one person is pissed, everybody knows that i never ripped off anyone in my life, i just dont understand why people get so mad and flip out, now i did fuck up and found two packages in my wife car that was suppose to go out so yes my fuck up but shit i threw in two packs out of my vault for the fuck up the one guy is cool as ice cream and the other got is snapping, i just dont understand why peeps flip out like that, maybe its just me but i hate to have unsatisfied customers, idk
New guy here, but as a chef i learned no matter how amazing your product is and no matter how hard you try you can never make every single person happy, if they cant forgive one little mistake after an opology and a fair attempt to make right then that ugly is on them man, back to business as usual and keeping those that are happy that way