Edux10's WidowCindy Grow


Well-Known Member
SO I am doing it right then.... hahaha. Those ones in the back are the plants I take cuttings off. I wouldn't call them moms as I am going to throw a couple of them in the flower room with the WC's once I find the males and if I have enough room. I was reading Skunk magazine and they said to just put no more than 6 plants under a 1000watter and def. no more than 8. This contradicts a lot of good ows I have seen. I will have to see how big my plants actually get when they flower.

I will probably throw the GDP, Banana OG and/or the Bubba Kush in with the others.


Well-Known Member
Oh, I had a quick question. At what point do you go from giving you seedling/clone just water to starting to feed? Is it 2 weeks or a certain hight?


Well-Known Member
it depends on your growing medium, and the amount of nutrients the roots of the plant are drawing... the leaves will start to pale a little bit when growth starts to take off, and that is typically when I start 1/4 to 1/8 dose of some veg nutes...


Well-Known Member
it depends on your growing medium, and the amount of nutrients the roots of the plant are drawing... the leaves will start to pale a little bit when growth starts to take off, and that is typically when I start 1/4 to 1/8 dose of some veg nutes...
That has actually been my new way of telling that my clones are rooted. I just look at the new growth and if it is lime green I flip em over and volia roots. It works too when the roots arnt out the bottom, see them lime green then wait 2 days and presto roots.

So if I am growin in soil and I have a clone that has 2 sets of leafs already.... what should I do? Start feeding or wait untill more estabilished.


Well-Known Member
Earl and TLD are right. I use 2-3 sets and watch the plant. If its strong and rooting up alot and growing like WC or PC does then give it 1/4 strength. If its a little slower starter and its not got the booming root system but the new set of leaves are lime green, boost it with an eighth strength. Look = evaluate how the plants are growing; watch = watch the result of what you do ; adjust = adjust (nutes, light, position, air circ., water) what you did to improve what you have.

Remember the strength is relative to your starting N:P:K ratios. You can get some ferts that are prety strong and combos of amendments can increase the N:P:K ratios, so pay attention to the labels too.


Well-Known Member
If you use hydro nutes,
you do not need to worry about the NPK ratio.

That has been done for you by the mfg

Just use grow for veg
and bloom for flower.

If it has roots, you can feed it.

The amount of food depends on the amount of light
and VPD can affect fast growing highly loaded plants.

If you start with a 25% load
and adjust up to fifty percent at the next nute change,
and stay at 50%,
you will not have to worry about VPD.

When I talk about load,
I mean a percentage of the amount,
the nute mfg recommend.

Here is an example of Nute Loads.

Advanced Nutrients recommends 8ml/gl of part A, and 8ml/gl of part B.

This would be a 100% load.

The max recommended dosage.

A 100% load would be 8ml/gl part A & part B
A 70% load would be 5.6ml/gl
A 50% load would be 4ml/gl
A 40% load would be 3.2ml/gl
A 25% load would be 2ml/gl

You can measure with 0.1ml accuracy
with eye droppers

I never go over 70%
and only for about one week during flower,
then I reduce the load until the trichs are correct,
and then flush with RO only, with reduced light.

A chart of my nute loads
would look like a roller coaster.

Starting low
and going up
then going down
until the ride is over.


Well-Known Member
If you use hydro nutes,
you do not need to worry about the NPK ratio.

That has been done for you by the mfg

Just use grow for veg
and bloom for flower.

If it has roots, you can feed it.

The amount of food depends on the amount of light
and VPD can affect fast growing highly loaded plants.

If you start with a 25% load
and adjust up to fifty percent at the next nute change,
and stay at 50%,
you will not have to worry about VPD.

When I talk about load,
I mean a percentage of the amount,
the nute mfg recommend.

Here is an example of Nute Loads.

Advanced Nutrients recommends 8ml/gl of part A, and 8ml/gl of part B.

This would be a 100% load.

The max recommended dosage.

A 100% load would be 8ml/gl part A & part B
A 70% load would be 5.6ml/gl
A 50% load would be 4ml/gl
A 40% load would be 3.2ml/gl
A 25% load would be 2ml/gl

You can measure with 0.1ml accuracy
with eye droppers

I never go over 70%
and only for about one week during flower,
then I reduce the load until the trichs are correct,
and then flush with RO only, with reduced light.

A chart of my nute loads
would look like a roller coaster.

Starting low
and going up
then going down
until the ride is over.
So what are the best ways to tell if you need to do more or less? Do you mean to look at the leafs.


Well-Known Member
You start with a light load and then go to 50%
stay there until you switch to bloom nutes.
Start bloom nutes at 50%
and if your water is good and your lights are bright
you can go to 70% for a while
then back to 50%
then 25 %
then 000%


Well-Known Member
Right I got that but at what point would you go from 50 to 70percent back to 50? I am assuming every stain and set up is different but when do you do it. I am not thinking you mean to change it on a 'schedule' just when you see that you need to. Soooo..... what signs are you looking for? Like leafs looking pale would be needing more N right? Then I would up from 50 to 70 percent. Then when they are green back to 50?

Sorry sometimes I am a little slow.


Well-Known Member
Its all of those Edux. Like Earl said you need to look at your setup and how the "load" or dosage of nutes is affecting your plants. You also need to know approximately when your strain finishes. But there are indicators like when your leaves go lighter green or are dark green. THink of it like this, your plant is an engine and you are using the optimal rpm for each gear to optimize fuel and speed. The more light you give your plants they can grow more if they have enough nutes (fuel). Too much or too little nutes/lights/air/or water they wont perform as well. If Earl gave you his schedule of when he does his nute loading, unless you have the same equipment, nutes, growing conditions, your results may be much different than his. You can follow the manufacturers schedule on a series of nutes (A+B series) because they are engineered to work with their loads and schedules. Im not sure I answered your questions.


Well-Known Member
It is better to be a little underfed
than a little overfed.

Any tip burn means you went too far
and the damage is irreversible.

You will still make a crop
but yield will be less than nominal,
and flavor will be affected.


Well-Known Member
It is better to be a little underfed
than a little overfed.

Any tip burn means you went too far
and the damage is irreversible.

You will still make a crop
but yield will be less than nominal,
and flavor will be affected.
I am sorry, but I almost completely disagree with this statement for many many reasons. First, he is talking hydro nutes, and has not even mentioned organics or organic/hydro/cheny mixes. Second, he has not accounted for genetics, strain, vigor, medium or other environmental circumstances, actual light source amounts and times (which play a large roll), fans/wind rates, relative humidity, PPM and PH, nor has he accounted for the amount of actual solution fed to the plant, nor which particular nutrient brand he is using as a base to reference from. Which weeks to switch to which % and which amounts of feeding solution to be fed, how to look closely at both leaf and flower development to measure plant reaction.

Manufacturers recommendations is a safe zone that they claim that they have tested on a variety of different plants and can put a guarantee on it and feel comfortable with it (purely business, marketing, and profit/legality related). The recommendations are not the minimums or maximums for plants at all... thats why its a "recommendation". For example, the Manufacturers recommended use with Fox Farms Tiger Bloom is too heavy of a feeding for my Grape Ape, which is a strain that naturally takes in little amounts of water and nutrients to meet the desired goal of quality and quantity, my Cinderella takes in almost 3 times as many nutes as the Grape Ape (% in solution), and my SSDNL takes in 1/2 dose more than the Cinderella, with the GDP falling just in between the Cinderella and the Grape Ape.
When I underfeed my Cinderella, she grows more slowly, and does not react to the elements as well. I have overfed her twice, and didn't flush either time. Just the tips of the leaves got burned, about a 1/4 to a 1/2 cm of some of the tips, and growth just took off, about 1/3 better than with normal feedings. And as flavor is really adjusted and established a lot in the last two weeks of flowering, your nutrients wouldn't play as much a roll in flavor as long as your flushing.
Nothing Personal Earl... I just don't agree, and have good reasons not to.


Well-Known Member
I think my statement was pretty accurate and encompases all the variables that you mentioned.

Over fed is worse than underfed.

No matter the amount lights
or the environment.

Pretty simple.


Well-Known Member
right, you just have to get a feel for your plant. When your plants get light green feed them N right? if you go over and burn then back off.


Well-Known Member
yeah, and when you notice burn immediately give some water to flush out the Extra, but not too much water, cuz you still want the nutes to remain there.
And Earl the Parts that i disagreed with the most were how much to feed, not so much the post I quoted. I do agree that a part of the plant that has been damaged by burn won't regen. at all.


Well-Known Member
so the N def would be lighter green than you would want.

What are the signs of P and K deff? Like Phospherous would be airy nugs? Still a bit lost here. What about K? Just look at the plant abuse chart?


Well-Known Member
Yea Edux. Consult Plant abuse posts but there can be manything causing similar symptoms but it will narrow it down. Thats what so nice about keeping your doses and schedualed watering in a journal so if something happens you can backtrack and figure it out. Also there are alot of wounderful resources (people) here at RIU too.

There are pluses and minuses to growing to the maximum. If you get it right, hard to do with multiple strains and general application of ferts, the grow can be amazing. Timing is everything especially in the end when you need to flush it out (debates rage on to flush and no flush with organic ferts). If you get the load (dose) wrong, depending on how wrong, your plants may loose valuable time (energy) repairing and refocusing its energy from repair to growth/flower again. You have first hand experience with this aspect.

I try to keep journals for the strains to know what I did right/wrong and what I can do to make it better. Especially when you change equipment or areas. I dont think there is one way to grow but it is interpretative from strain to strain.


Well-Known Member
Thank you.

I actually told my buddy: you can tell when your plant is happy. It just looks 'right' you know. Overall has the fell to it.

I totally understand now. Now it is a matter of just getting experience. Probably best that I am in soil for now. I actually talked to my other homie and he was saying what TLD was saying about soil bein the best for him and them my other friend was swearing by hydro saying that soil you gotta go check on it every 2 or 3 days, hydro maybe once a week.

I will get you guys some more pics. I never even posted the pics I took of all the plants individually (one plant is up, and now they are a bit out dated). Everything seems to be going well, a lot of females if not mistaken. That 'yellow one' is probably garbage but 2 are getting dark green again, 3 never really had the problem and 2 are 'getting there' they appear to be streatching.

It has all ost been a week flowering! Ok, well its half a week right now but I am very hopeful. I have no idea what I can really yeild off a 600watt but these babys look like they are going to be lil trees!! Good stuff maybe aim for 2 oz each? I really don't know.

The bubba is almost ready to go in the flower room too. I just want to make sure I have a rooted clone before I thrower in there...