Donald Trump insists "we're winning the elections" and says the forecast polls are inaccurate


Well-Known Member

Their polls are just that. Polls. They don't assume cross dresser voters like you.

Their prediction model uses past history to project results of the election given patterns from earlier elections but you can remove those assumptions from their predictions if you like. They provide a "polls-only" forecast if you want to see that result. It doesn't matter. Trump is toast any way you look at it.

Unless you pick a single poll that shows you what you want to see. You can find something to confirm whatever you want to believe on the internet. '538 doesn't just use results from just one poll, which can be confusing to the weak minded.

Did you know that Trump is a snake person? Yes he is. I found that fact on the internet.


Well-Known Member
Here's how Project 538 skews their polling data using trickery & speculation,a detailed look into 538's criteria shows an extremely manipulated poll by design,more importantly it shows their polls lack of credibility by dismissing the crossover vote & injecting speculation .

Fine print quote below explaining 538's methodology based on an inherently flawed polling process .
We expect Clinton to pick up more delegates in states with higher populations of African-Americans, Latinos, seniors, and moderate and conservative Democrats.
We reached these estimates by developing benchmarks for each state based on its demographics. In particular, we used exit polls to determine the racial composition of the Democratic electorate in each state, how each state lines up on a liberal-conservative scale

A true poll does not eliminate the crossover vote,nor does a true poll nail down voters into categories that automatically award a candidate that persons vote based on political party affiliation ,nor does a true poll speculate or predict based on skin color or age,we have four acts of bias become glaringly obvious after reading their methodology .

As a point of fact,I myself am a registered democrat & am a moderate,the 538 poll not only dismisses me because I'm a crossover voter,it then awards my vote to Hillary by speculating I will follow party politics,we know for a fact more voters are crossing party lines than since the 1940's ,yet that highly relevant fact is omitted by design .

Now you see how polls are manipulate so easily .
To sum up:

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Well-Known Member
Those Soros voting machines are proven to have caused several country's elections to be rigged & the results invalidated by the UN,yet Obama allows them in the USA .

The corruption Hillary & Obama have entrenched into every governmental body will take years to ferrret out,they've turned the federal government into an organized crime ring with full FBI protection .


Well-Known Member
Donald Trump -- The Poster Boy For Rape Culture

"I've gotta use some tic tacs, just in case I start kissing her," Donald Trump says...."And when you're a star they let you do it,"..."Grab them by the p***y," Donald Trump says. "You can do anything."

Like so many of us, Donald Trump's statement made my stomach churn. It made my mouth drop open -- not in surprise that he said it (because women hear this all the time) but in shock that he got caught.

Getting caught just isn't a thing that happens to men like him.

1 Published By - The Huffington Post - 2016.10.25. 19:33




Well-Known Member
Underestimating Barrack the first in 2008 was a huge oversight by Hillary. She won't make the same mistake with Bernie and Trump. After becoming secretary of state, Hillary was able to make enough pay for play deals giving her access to rig the system and also escape DOJ prosecution


Well-Known Member
Underestimating Barrack the first in 2008 was a huge oversight by Hillary. She won't make the same mistake with Bernie and Trump. After becoming secretary of state, Hillary was able to make enough pay for play deals giving her access to rig the system and also escape DOJ prosecution
what was your username back in 2012? was it freedomworks?


Well-Known Member
full article:

"Donald Trump says "the truth is that we're winning" - and claims that "phony polls" are trying to suppress the vote.

The Republican presidential nominee Trump spoke on Monday at a farmers' roundtable in Florida."

Do you think Trump is winning the elections in any way? Is he right? Are all these polls fabricated to influence and suppress votes?
real talk


Well-Known Member
real stupid, who is your programmer?
Threads are better when you're not trolling. At least try and be funny if you're going to insult people. Or else we all just sorta, kinda go away from you. Are you having problems at home? Trouble pleasing the wifey? Talk to us bro, we are all a tight knit community here on RIU. Explain to us all your impotence problems and maybe UncleCuck can help rub you through it. We all go through rough times son. Nobody is perfect. We all make mistakes.


Well-Known Member
Threads are better when you're not trolling. At least try and be funny if you're going to insult people. Or else we all just sorta, kinda go away from you. Are you having problems at home? Trouble pleasing the wifey? Talk to us bro, we are all a tight knit community here on RIU. Explain to us all your impotence problems and maybe UncleCuck can help rub you through it. We all go through rough times son. Nobody is perfect. We all make mistakes.
What happened to NotGOP?

wingnut prison?

Illinois Enema Bandit

Well-Known Member
Its to the point even crusty ass old George Soros admits Trump is going to win the popular vote by a landslide in interviews he just gave,anybody with the ability of free thought can see the polls & media are rigged beyond any point of reference except 3rd world corruption .

What I'd like to know is exactly how much evidence of fraud does team troll @rollitup need before they admit the corruption is out of hand .