Are you religious and against gays ?


Well-Known Member
Gandu !!

I got taught a word 'gandu' not sure if spelt right but it means kinda gay in muslims counties and is VEry very offensive.

Someone nearly got their head caved in for saying it in my hood is all i'm saying.

So are you religious and hate gays because. ?

i totally understand if you are but there's no need for the anger against them, god's not here to turn you into fire anymore and you won't get sent to hell either. 2016 trolled to death yes but no hell fire.

I really dont see why someones sexuality should matter to anyone.
Its a bi-product of Religion and lower intelligence.

Now on the other hand, there is Pride etc.
I think some things get taken too far, just like the feminism movement.
However, whichever team they play for or if they play for both should not matter. Takes a real fuck giraffe in a dumb dumb salad to hate on a group of people for who they choose to be with. Sounds like so deep shit people need to deal with instead of lashing out.
Souls are genderless. Gender is an attachment of the ego. Naturally, sexuality is flux, unless your ego's reservations are in the way. I naturally find girls more attractive, not saying preferences don't exist. I'm just saying refusal to relinquish attachments inhibits inner growth and maintains small, neurotic mind.
A bit of sexual history most westerners aren't aware of ,while the western worlds thinking about sexuality and or homosexuality has evolved to the IDGAF attitude,much of the world has devolved when it comes to sexuality.

It's hard for young people to believe a 1920's world was more open to sexuality than the millennial world but its a fact,up until the late 1960's women in Afghanistan openly dressed in sexy clothing or revealing clothing if they chose to ,most the early Hollywood stars in the 20's & 30's were gay as hell & nobody cared,no matter what part of the world your in if sexuality is repressed & punished you can trace the root cause directly back to organized religion .
A bit of sexual history most westerners aren't aware of ,while the western worlds thinking about sexuality and or homosexuality has evolved to the IDGAF attitude,much of the world has devolved when it comes to sexuality.

It's hard for young people to believe a 1920's world was more open to sexuality than the millennial world but its a fact,up until the late 1960's women in Afghanistan openly dressed in sexy clothing or revealing clothing if they chose to ,most the early Hollywood stars in the 20's & 30's were gay as hell & nobody cared,no matter what part of the world your in if sexuality is repressed & punished you can trace the root cause directly back to organized religion .
I wasn't really focusing on sexuality as much as attachments to material or ego-reinforcing possessions and ideals. Those that truly know what I'm speaking of are free from desire to judge and understand what we really are. Those you speak of are blinded by bastardized religion and religious ideology.
All religions are bastardized when used as an excuse to segregate or harm people .
Agreed. You have to know the difference between subscribing to organized religion and being truly spiritual and committed to growth. God doesn't judge nor condemn. All religions should start by dropping fear, condemnation, and judgement from their scriptures and dogmas.
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