anyone else smoke alone?

I think I'll be doing a couple autos for my next run. I don't have the room to run tall phenos. And I dont really feel like messing around with topping too much.

Basically the quicker I can get to harvest the better.
Very rarely do I smoke with anyone. There was a time when I always had someone to smoke with. Someone keen to try new strains.

But now I'm the only one who smokes the herb. I don't hide it from my family either. Despite living in an area where cultivation and posession aren't legal.

It's not so bad smoking alone. But, it would be nice to spend time with other smokers more often than I do.

I'm from S.E Australia.
I too used to have lots of smoking buddies back in my younger days,, but years of prohibition and years of family raising kids, trying to not go to jail while being a father,, and all my buddies scattered to the wind,, i know thru facebook that many dont smoke anymore,, i guess they "grew up",,
when MJ became legal here in Oregon 2 years ago I started back upagain, and put down the bottle,, such a good change,, but i know nobody here that does,, and many still keep thier MJ use under wraps because in Oregon an employer can still drug test and FIRE you if your caught, kinda wierd,, legal,, yet not legal,,so i dont go around looking for smoking buddies,,
its going to take time for more opinions to change about MJ use
Pharmaceutical companies & gov just took over the whole thing , over 200k in fees just to have a grow permit, plus the whole MMJ set up, crazy shit.
Here in Oregon its pretty cheap to apply for a liscense to grow, sale or be a proccesor,, they are hurting for more labs to test weed here,,, the money in start up in Oregon is finding wharehouse space if your indoor,, and or finding land that is zone correct if your outdoor,, there are no big fees to start with the state,,
but it can sure ad up here if your starting out with nothing,, I live on some acreage that is zoned for growing,, but I would need security fencing, cameras, and more to pass inspection
IMO they didnt grow up if they took up alcohol instead. what a fucking non choice. I too used to drink my ass off fucking my liver up every sitting but I stopped when my first girl was born 7 yrs ago. Its crazy that its quasi legal but they are still "drug testing" for cannabis, fucking stupid actually
IMO they didnt grow up if they took up alcohol instead. what a fucking non choice. I too used to drink my ass off fucking my liver up every sitting but I stopped when my first girl was born 7 yrs ago. Its crazy that its quasi legal but they are still "drug testing" for cannabis, fucking stupid actually
yes,, my job drug tests,, and i use that synthetic urine shit to pass,,, it works,, but its not fun doing it,,
My Son just got a new job,, and they told him right up front,, they do NOT drug test, and they dont care if he smokes weed on his off time,, just so he does his job and shows up for work sober,,,I need a new job,, hahaha
yes,, many of my old buddies can be seen on facebook holding a beer or doing shots,, what ever,, I do NOT miss hang overs,, and headaches,, I wake up refreshed every day now, i sleep like a rock ,, and now that i grow my own meds,, its pretty much free to use MJ here,,, even if a person buys in in the state legal stores, ,most of it is less than 10 bucks a gram,, many in the 6 dollar per gram range for top shelf bud here
no space for little guys, period!
A lot of states seem to be headed in that direction of control over the market with a high buy-in and fee/tax grabs at various levels of government. A few big players and no room for the little guy. We're looking like that up in Canada as well. I don't sell much other than covering some expenses here & there but if I were I wouldn't be too concerned with this. By the time all these greed bags get their cut it'll be $10+ a gram to buy legal, leaving room for smaller BM growers. A more open market would eventually kill the BM, but they're too greedy, all they're seeing are $$$.
yes,, my job drug tests,, and i use that synthetic urine shit to pass,,, it works,, but its not fun doing it,,
My Son just got a new job,, and they told him right up front,, they do NOT drug test, and they dont care if he smokes weed on his off time,, just so he does his job and shows up for work sober,,,I need a new job,, hahaha
yes,, many of my old buddies can be seen on facebook holding a beer or doing shots,, what ever,, I do NOT miss hang overs,, and headaches,, I wake up refreshed every day now, i sleep like a rock ,, and now that i grow my own meds,, its pretty much free to use MJ here,,, even if a person buys in in the state legal stores, ,most of it is less than 10 bucks a gram,, many in the 6 dollar per gram range for top shelf bud here
Over here on east side of the planet we r paying $250/oz, somethimes molded stuff. Dispensary is about $90.00 for a 1/8.
My little vietnamese buddy just stopped by with some"killah canadian" lmao hey jonnny tries dis..............I was impressed, so to my northern neighbors producing the orange zest chunk nugs, BRAVO my friend! I smoke alone most times.........this had me talking to myself and enjoying it quite alot..........lmao wow!
vt nugzz 003.JPG
My little vietnamese buddy just stopped by with some"killah canadian" lmao hey jonnny tries dis..............I was impressed, so to my northern neighbors producing the orange zest chunk nugs, BRAVO my friend! I smoke alone most times.........this had me talking to myself and enjoying it quite alot..........lmao wow!
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its funny,, sometimes when i am smoking alone,, i am perfectly happy,, looking and smelling some good bud,, and just feeling happy about it,, it also helps to be fully cracking up laughing while the jiffy pop popcorn is popping on the stove,, fun what good meds can do for us,, hahaha