anyone else smoke alone?

its not that i mind sharing, i'm just a sociopathic hillbilly that lives on the side of a mountain, and i answer the door "What?"...that usually makes the lost tourists get back in their cars and drive away to try to get directions from someone time to offer....did i forget to mention that i dress in a wet suit and a kimono, with a japanese NO mask?
I smoke alone, too, and i prefer to smoke alone. When i was young i often smoked with friends and this often leaded to alcohol use or a a less pleasant high. Lost contact to nearly all friends and colleagues, but no problem, better alone than strange people or alcoholics around you.

After 1 week in prison i stopped thinking being or smoking alone is a problem.
I'm an only child, I don't like sharing.
I'm too old to care about opinions, I just light up a joint wherever whenever.

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I smoke alone, too, and i prefer to smoke alone. When i was young i often smoked with friends and this often leaded to alcohol use or a a less pleasant high. Lost contact to nearly all friends and colleagues, but no problem, better alone than strange people or alcoholics around you.

After 1 week in prison i stopped thinking being or smoking alone is a problem.
i hear you,, i stopped drinkikng when MJ became legal in Oregon, its been the best 2 years,, so many good things have come out of not drinking and just smoking weed
Yeah, drinking is not my thing. Drank like a fish when I was young. Alcohol is not really regulated like in the states.
No kid ever had legal problems here because of underage drinking. Even if legal age is 18.
I smoke alone and with others.

If I'm ever that way time we will have to burn one.
i am kinda like so many others around here,, years and years of prohibition and all my friends grew old and moved away,, or they stopped because of the threat of jail,,
then my state went legal, and here i am,, but its all goood,, i have you guys
I don't think I know anybody that doesn't smoke.. I just don't bother with people like that. Apart from my wife. She can eat you under the table on shrooms though.
i am kinda like so many others around here,, years and years of prohibition and all my friends grew old and moved away,, or they stopped because of the threat of jail,,
then my state went legal, and here i am,, but its all goood,, i have you guys
That makes sense.

I don't know if seems like everywhere I move I end up making friends with people that smoke.

I pull out some and smoke with friends and they are like where did this come from. I'm like the vetting place.

I think they know though.