Trump leads with 46% while Clinton trails at 45% after FBI reboots email scandal investigation.


Well-Known Member
Trump is clearly going to win...

The american people have woken up and smelt nasty ass 3 day old corrupted hilary coffee!

You had your revolution now its time for ours!

I honestly dont believe so, but if I'm wrong I'll be here laughing my ass off on the 9th.


Well-Known Member
Why are you butt hurt comrade? What would the world do without all of the great Russian contributions to society in the last 50 years?


Well-Known Member
I honestly dont believe so, but if I'm wrong I'll be here laughing my ass off on the 9th.
You know?

I will too.

I don't believe he'll win but we keep acting as if 25% chance of winning (by state and electoral college count, not national poll) means no chance. And that's absolutely wrong.


Well-Known Member
Just listened to a bit of Hillary at her Florida rally. Same shit Democrat's have been fixing for 50 years. Tax the rich, equality for women, corporations suck bla, bla, bla. She told the audience that they could vote everyday right up to the election, and I suspect some of them will.