Grow box...


Alright so I'm gonna get ready next set. Right now I just have my closet lined with mylar and white paint and a PC fan blowing at the base of my plant. I'm wanting to build a small easy grow box or buy a side by side mylar tent. Anyone have any plans for a decent grow box build?


Well-Known Member
Use a tent much better ,figure out what size your are working with, grow tents have the proper vents in place to add fans vent out hot air ect.


Well-Known Member
Google does have some good images and you can copy them with cheap PVC. But you also spend a lot more putting your own together. You can buy a decent tent Craigslist under 100


Active Member
Have you thought about going outdoors in a greenhouse?

Much cheaper alternative and if done properly can yield similar results. Depending on how many plants you are growing you could get a greenhouse for $50-$100.