I took a hiking day for my birthday. It started off pretty exciting. I set my bottle of denatured alcohol on fire adding fuel to what I thought was a cold stove. I got it {and the three or four spots of fire in the pinestraw where I was setting} put out with the coffee water. Lesson learned. When adding fuel to a stove that has been used, pour it in something, then pour it in the stove.
Getting my stove, pot, fuel, grits, eggs and coffee unpacked. {pre-fire}
The grits and eggs before the boiling water gets poured in the bag.
And in the pouch cooking.
The finished product. They were a little soupy, but not to bad for trail food.
See where the cap melted into the fuel bottle. I didn't know it was on fire until I screwed the top on. I was able to save the fuel. I had to empty the water out of a Coke bottle into the bigger Smartwater bottle and poured it in there.