The UK Growers Thread!

Surrounded by enablers and trying to stay straight. Its like there's a dozen devils on both shoulders. They're away for a board meeting in the office and I'm left babysitting the drinks. Sobriety is fucking shite.
Do what I do now. Restrict yourself to one night a week. It works for me. One night in the canoe is enough for me. I had this Sunday off though because I had shit to do on Monday morning
find iphone is a nice app. if you lose your tele in your house you can make it chime even if the ringer is off.
Why are you doing that? top it.

woke up with less in the bottle than when I went to sleep. pretty sure I was drinking while asleep. no beuno

Or, possibly some hot chick found you drunk, asleep & armed with a bottle, maybe she had a taste.
Got drunk & had her way with you?

Or maybe you just didn't put the lid on properly?