UncleBucks Bet

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Yeah I just blocked uncleballsack, justin in my ass , super gay lou and uncle buck , I'm tired of seeing the bullshit. They should start a hillary fan club. Hopefully my experiences will be similar to yours lol. I hoped he would honor his agreement but thats asking too much .

if you think me sticking around is this bad, just wait to see how pissed you are when president elect creepy bad touch breaks every single one of his promises to you.
if you think me sticking around is this bad, just wait to see how pissed you are when president elect creepy bad touch breaks every single one of his promises to you.
It'll be hilarious when his social policies turn out more liberal than Hillary's were.

Wouldn't it be beautiful if he brought Single Payer to the table as the "fiscally responsible" plan?
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