UncleBucks Bet

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Was uncle buck justin your ass? Did you like it ?

I'm neither republican nor democrat, I'm free thinking and open minded. Voting for a criminal who would take the country into another 4-8 years of an obama style America was a no brainer, People can knock trump all they want , he is not nor ever will be 1/1000th as much of a piece of shit as hillary is. I believe he will do good things for this sad country.

Budget jokes too, pathetic:-)

Still here? So you have no honor whatsoever. This is why no one took your cash bet, you're a cheat and a liar and won't pay up. Rollitup's webmaster is no better, paid to keep you on site and block those who expose your lies and deceit.
Expect your subsidies to disappear, because you have shown the true nature of those you promote and driven many who might have voted for Hillary to vote for the opposition. Look how much higher Trump polled here than in the real election, due to your incompetence.
Expect this post to be deleted shortly by the corrupt administrator of this site.

Who new a bunch of junkie neo Nazis would be so concerned with honor, how ironic. Reported nazi sock account:-)
Disappear you piece of shit like you promised. When I leave it will be because I made an agreement and I will honor it on dec 8th . So go crawl back in your shit hole you punk ass fucking lair. Don't respond just get fucking lost.
If he is still here by dec he has definitely broken his side of the agreement.

Why should you leave if he violated the agreement?
Do you guys really give that much of a shit about Buck sticking around? Gotta be sore winners? Do the chill thing and win with honor, respect, and the humility befitting a winner. Let it be and smile silently to yourself. Besides, you knew he wasn't going to leave the moment he said he would. Because he's UncleMFBuck.

Hey Pie, I have always been a man of my word, so when my time is up I will be leaving . Unless Rolli shortens my time here . Maybe Rolli is taking the clinton beat down a little better than poopy pants. I woke up this morning and my computer is still working.
The beatdown where she got the highest number of votes for any candidate in history except Obama?
As we are a republic and our country is based on the electoral college for a very important reason, it does not really matter. Sometimes, we like the results sometimes, we don't but Trump won fair and square. He played the smarter game. Since the liberal media choose the tactic of constantly hitting the general public with its media bias and bashing of Trump, it only played in his favor, as they saw it for what it was... bias, partisan reporting, which in effect is not reporting at all.

I heard you're a pedophile. I've been hearing things. Yuuge things.

We don't live in a Republic, yet. We should be living in a United Nation. But we don't because partisan division among intelligent forward thinking people and Trump supporters.

Liberal media. You're a fucking pedo nitwit. I suppose Fox News and Breitbart are the only real news source?
Hey Pie, I have always been a man of my word, so when my time is up I will be leaving . Unless Rolli shortens my time here . Maybe Rolli is taking the clinton beat down a little better than poopy pants. I woke up this morning and my computer is still working.

Why would an honest man support a pathological liar like Trump?
If he is still here by dec he has definitely broken his side of the agreement.

Why should you leave if he violated the agreement?

Because he would be just as bad as you are claiming UB to be. Do you not understand what the word hypocrite means? Or are you just too fucking stupid? Dumb bitch.
Yeah I just blocked uncleballsack, justin in my ass , super gay lou and uncle buck , I'm tired of seeing the bullshit. They should start a hillary fan club. Hopefully my experiences will be similar to yours lol. I hoped he would honor his agreement but thats asking too much .


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