The ballon mortgage of the fourth estate come due

cat of curiosity

Well-Known Member
Have your cake and eat it too dipshit,

your logic is flawed and arguments are tired.

Good, I hope you do get the ban hammer, your kind aren't welcome here.

To be honest, I'd prefer the mods IP block the lot of you shit sticks.

you provide nothing positive to this community.
yeah, it's everyone ELSE that's derogatory and hateful...

i get it now! FABULOUS argument!

P.S. that was all quoted from ONE of your posts...


Well-Known Member
yeah, it's everyone ELSE that's derogatory and hateful...

i get it now! FABULOUS argument!

P.S. that was all quoted from ONE of your posts...
You're so butthurt and full of rage you are responding to comments that weren't directed at you. You're a shitbag and so is your fat ugly wife. Someday soon you will both die and I will be very pleased.

How's that for derogatory and hateful?

cat of curiosity

Well-Known Member
You're so butthurt and full of rage you are responding to comments that weren't directed at you. You're a shitbag and so is your fat ugly wife. Someday soon you will both die and I will be very pleased.

How's that for derogatory and hateful?
fantastic and highly educated reply!

what color room are you in now? i know they don't have 'grades' or 'levels' and everyone gets a trophy, but what does the graduation certificate say?


Well-Known Member
fantastic and highly educated reply!

what color room are you in now? i know they don't have 'grades' or 'levels' and everyone gets a trophy, but what does the graduation certificate say?
In big bold print it says something to the affect that I have always been a better person than you and will always be a better person than you. In fine print it goes in detail about the transparency of your butthurt rage and outright bigotry.

I do however take back what I said about your wife, rosey ain't so bad, I just don't agree with her line of politics. You, though, are a shit stain.

Now that we've extended our pleasantries, how about we try to use civil discourse to discuss topics at hand, shall we? Of course we can continue going round and round in circles, swearing at grumping old shit bags never gets old for me.

cat of curiosity

Well-Known Member
In big bold print it says something to the affect that I have always been a better person than you and will always be a better person than you. In fine print it goes in detail about the transparency of your butthurt rage and outright bigotry.

I do however take back what I said about your wife, rosey ain't so bad, I just don't agree with her line of politics. You, though, are a shit stain.

Now that we've extended our pleasantries, how about we try to use civil discourse to discuss topics at hand, shall we? Of course we can continue going round and round in circles, swearing at grumping old shit bags never gets old for me.
the only one swearing and grumping is you. i did not insult you or call you atrocious names, but you did drip venom with your words while preaching tolerance and berating others for intolerance.

so, as an adult, i invite you to grow up, and consider an attitude adjustment.


Well-Known Member
yeah, it's everyone ELSE that's derogatory and hateful...

i get it now! FABULOUS argument!

P.S. that was all quoted from ONE of your posts...
fantastic and highly educated reply!

what color room are you in now? i know they don't have 'grades' or 'levels' and everyone gets a trophy, but what does the graduation certificate say?
the only one swearing and grumping is you. i did not insult you or call you atrocious names, but you did drip venom with your words while preaching tolerance and berating others for intolerance.

so, as an adult, i invite you to grow up, and consider an attitude adjustment.
200 (5).gif


Well-Known Member
I've ALWAYS been opposed to the Electoral College, it's illogical. I opposed it back in 1992 when I first learned about it, and I've opposed it ever since. It is a flawed system, much more flawed than popular vote.
So following that logic it was flawed 2X's when Obama ran, correct?
Following your logic, a law is a law and must not be changed, we can conclude you're in favor of keeping Obamacare? Or any law for that matter? Because a law is a law, and it must not be changed.
They can be changed the way they always have. But for the last 200 years that one has worked.
There is a big enough segment of but hurt to do that in coming elections, but it's probably not going to happen this cycle.
Better get working @ it! ;)
I don't believe in secession, I'm not a heartless ignorant redneck who thinks of only himself. But since we're on that topic, if the blue states were to secede from the "Union", the red states would be utterly fucked. I mean, that's why the red states voted the way they did, because of financial ruin, right?
Secession is a tough drum to beat ever since the civil war. I think it was both "colored" politicians that were responsible for the financial ruin.
We got rid of Glass-Stegall and replaced it w/ Dodd-Frank!
See? Laws can change, it's just not always for the better.
Have your cake and eat it too dipshit, your logic is flawed and arguments are tired. As I have most definitely not convinced you of anything, nor have you convinced me.
Not really.
But if that makes you feel better than I'm happy for you.
Good, I hope you do get the ban hammer, your kind aren't welcome here. To be honest, I'd prefer the mods IP block the lot of you shit sticks. It would make our time here more enjoyable, you provide nothing positive to this community.
If I go, whether it be by choice or by ban, there will always be someone to take my place.
The history of Buckold and Rolli discussing who they think I "am" proves it even though they now admit they're mistaken.


Well-Known Member
Oh boy, this is going to be fun...
So following that logic it was flawed 2X's when Obama ran, correct?
Yes, even when Obama ran, the Electoral College was a flawed system. It has ALWAYS been a flawed system since its inception. However, Obama won the popular vote, so your snide questioning falls flat on its face. And you're a fucking moron.
They can be changed the way they always have. But for the last 200 years that one has worked.
There is a big enough segment of but hurt to do that in coming elections, but it's probably not going to happen this cycle.
Better get working @ it! ;)
So you're cool with laws that work in your favor but aren't for ones that don't? And then you snidely argue in contempt at others who share the same position? Jesus fuck, would you just die already.
Secession is a tough drum to beat ever since the civil war. I think it was both "colored" politicians that were responsible for the financial ruin.
We got rid of Glass-Stegall and replaced it w/ Dodd-Frank!
See? Laws can change, it's just not always for the better.
So you're not in favor of transparency and accountability? Aren't you part of the "Lock Her Up" crowd? Fucking hypocrite. Seriously, please overdose on something.
If I go, whether it be by choice or by ban, there will always be someone to take my place.
The history of Buckold and Rolli discussing who they think I "am" proves it even though they now admit they're mistaken.
I really don't give a shit who you "really" are, your persona on RIU is vial and useless. You've contributed nothing positive while you've been here.


Well-Known Member
the only one swearing and grumping is you. i did not insult you or call you atrocious names, but you did drip venom with your words while preaching tolerance and berating others for intolerance.

so, as an adult, i invite you to grow up, and consider an attitude adjustment.
You're right old timer. You've been fairly civil with me and unjustly I've been fairly rude to you. And for that I apologize.

Now, back to the discussion; what's your opinion on Electoral College? You feel that it's ok that more people in the United States voted for Hillary, by a margin of more than 1,000,000 votes, and still lost? Do you not see anything wrong with the Electoral College?

Please know, I'm not bringing this up because I'm butthurt over Hillary's loss. She lost fair and square with the rules of the game as they are. I bring up Electoral College because this will be twice in two decades a candidate has lost; and the majority of people who voted, did not vote for the winner.
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Well-Known Member
Oh boy, this is going to be fun...
Yes, even when Obama ran, the Electoral College was a flawed system. It has ALWAYS been a flawed system since its inception. However, Obama won the popular vote, so your snide questioning falls flat on its face. And you're a fucking moron.
So you're cool with laws that work in your favor but aren't for ones that don't? And then you snidely argue in contempt at others who share the same position? Jesus fuck, would you just die already.
So you're not in favor of transparency and accountability? Aren't you part of the "Lock Her Up" crowd? Fucking hypocrite. Seriously, please overdose on something.
I really don't give a shit who you "really" are, your persona on RIU is vial and useless. You've contributed nothing positive while you've been here.
I didn't say anything against the electoral college. You say it's flawed, I said get busy fixing what you deem broken.
Glass-Stegall (passed in '33) kept us from having depressions up until it was repealed. Only took 8-10 years for the natural sequence of events to follow historical patterns.
Then came the great age of Dodd-Frank transparency and accountability that's has not worked as well as Glass-Stegall did.
I probably wouldn't be part of the "lock her up" crowd if I thought there was a chance in hell she'll actually be prosecuted and in what way does Clit'n's criminality have anything to do with transparency and accountability?
Also, I'm the "fucking moron" that knows how to spell "vile" when used as a description of evil or unpleasantness rather than a container usually used for drugs (phial is historically acceptable too).

Does it always take 3-5 times of repeating the same thing to you for it to make an impression or have I just been getting lucky?


Well-Known Member
I didn't say anything against the electoral college. You say it's flawed, I said get busy fixing what you deem broken.
Glass-Stegall (passed in '33) kept us from having depressions up until it was repealed. Only took 8-10 years for the natural sequence of events to follow historical patterns.
Then came the great age of Dodd-Frank transparency and accountability that's has not worked as well as Glass-Stegall did.
I probably wouldn't be part of the "lock her up" crowd if I thought there was a chance in hell she'll actually be prosecuted and in what way does Clit'n's criminality have anything to do with transparency and accountability?
Also, I'm the "fucking moron" that knows how to spell "vile" when used as a description of evil or unpleasantness rather than a container usually used for drugs (phial is historically acceptable too).

Does it always take 3-5 times of repeating the same thing to you for it to make an impression or have I just been getting lucky?
Yep, I accept that, I misspelled vial. No skirting that one. And can't say "fucking moron" when I can't even spell vile correctly.

Electoral College is flawed and broken. It either needs to be modified greatly and reverse the gerrymandered districts, all 2000 of them, or go to a popular vote.

And regarding Glass-Steagall (you spelled it incorrectly), what does that have to do with prices of apples in India? Seriously, stay on topic or make a new one if you feel that strongly about it. But please, if you do create a new thread about it, spell it correctly, I'd hate for you to look like a "vial" fucking moron.
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Well-Known Member
<snip>Electoral College is flawed and broken. It either needs to be modified greatly and reverse the gerrymandered districts, all 2000 of them, or go to a popular vote.
Then get busy fixing it w/ your choice of vote and legislator badgering.
And regarding Glass-Steagall (you spelled it incorrectly), what does that have to do with prices of apples in India? Seriously, stay on topic or make a new one if you that strongly about it. But please, if you do create a new thread about it, spell it correctly, I'd hate for you to look like a "vial" fucking moron.
I admit I was going from memory and was distracted by the Smoot-Hawly classroom scene of Ferris Bueller's Day Off playing in the background of my mind because I associate hyphened name legislative acts together (speaking of which, if there's a good argument against the import tariffs of Dumph, it might be looking at that legislation's history).
But why I mention it is you brought up
the red states would be utterly fucked. I mean, that's why the red states voted the way they did, because of financial ruin, right?
I brought up how repealed legislation was a contributing factor to that financial ruin to illustrate the "newer is not always better" as thing to think about when talking about getting rid of the electoral college.

The suggestion I stay on topic is especially rich from you, but it is true of both of us, eh?

We know you don't trust the MSM and are pretty much rely on Reuter's (owned by Thomas Corp. but who owns them?) and the AP (a not-for-profit news cooperative owned by its American newspaper and broadcast members which are comprised of the same media you don't trust since 6 corps. own 90% of not only American news but American MEDIA).

This was available in 2012 and is not quite correct (corrections here ):

Seems that was caused by repealing legislation too.
I think Ronnie was deeply involved (as far as Ronnie could be deeply involved in anything) which means it was the product of that nasty cabal of his staff and VP.

It's hard not to intertwine news and politics because the cause of the first topic is the second.

Freddie Millergogo

Well-Known Member
They are very family oriented and protective which lends to that intense loyalty quotient but it has to be tempered with proper training and socialization to make it an asset otherwise they are a severe liability and safety concern when kept as pets.
Even though the following video is for a dog kennel that breeds/trains them for protection, it shows the natural aptitude they have for it.

They are working dogs tasked with the safety of the herd, bred to protect them no matter what and rely on their own judgement in doing so, but can still make excellent pets if properly trained and socialized.
I wouldn't mess w/ that kid though. :D
At :31 seconds that "dog" hits the man in the padded suit like a train. The dogs of the region are very tough but so are the men. No way I am doing a padded suit with a Caucasian herding dog.

I am not afraid of big dogs but these breed is terrifying if one of those dogs is after you.


Well-Known Member
Then get busy fixing it w/ your choice of vote and legislator badgering.

I admit I was going from memory and was distracted by the Smoot-Hawly classroom scene of Ferris Bueller's Day Off playing in the background of my mind because I associate hyphened name legislative acts together (speaking of which, if there's a good argument against the import tariffs of Dumph, it might be looking at that legislation's history).
But why I mention it is you brought up

I brought up how repealed legislation was a contributing factor to that financial ruin to illustrate the "newer is not always better" as thing to think about when talking about getting rid of the electoral college.

The suggestion I stay on topic is especially rich from you, but it is true of both of us, eh?

We know you don't trust the MSM and are pretty much rely on Reuter's (owned by Thomas Corp. but who owns them?) and the AP (a not-for-profit news cooperative owned by its American newspaper and broadcast members which are comprised of the same media you don't trust since 6 corps. own 90% of not only American news but American MEDIA).

This was available in 2012 and is not quite correct (corrections here ):


Seems that was caused by repealing legislation too.
I think Ronnie was deeply involved (as far as Ronnie could be deeply involved in anything) which means it was the product of that nasty cabal of his staff and VP.

It's hard not to intertwine news and politics because the cause of the first topic is the second.
I avoid yellow press as much as I can, if only to throw it in the face of who use it. To include, but not limited to, MSNBC, CNN, Fox News, USA Today, NYT, etc.

As I've tried to explain before, the Electoral College and Glass-Steagall, Smoot-Hawly, Bartles and Jaymes are not related and should not be used as comparative fodder. Debating the merits of Electoral College is what I'm after.

And I agree, media is a fucking sham, it's literally become yellow press governed by the bottom dollar. And it's a fucking shame. Just as politics has been a bottom dollar business for eons. It needs to stop.

And electing Republicans into office will most assuredly not help us with that cause, as they were the ones who passed Citizens United. And we are already seeing the absolute fleecing the Trump presidency is bringing to the American people.


Well-Known Member
At :31 seconds that "dog" hits the man in the padded suit like a train. The dogs of the region are very tough but so are the men. No way I am doing a padded suit with a Caucasian herding dog.

I am not afraid of big dogs but these breed is terrifying if one of those dogs is after you.
do you like tough men?