Disposable vape hash pen and/or edibles on a plane?


New Member
So Im flying out of SFO and going to New Jersey. I am a medical marijuana patient so I was thinking about picking up maybe 2 of those disposable vape hash pens from a club and bringing it with me to NJ? Has anyone done this before without any problems? What do you guys think? I was maybe thinking about putting it in my toiletries bag? Or what other ideas? I know that when your traveling within CA, your allowed to actually bring your medical marijuana if you are actually a patient, but I am traveling out of state? Do you think the pens would set off the sensor or some other shit would happen?
Or recently I thought of another idea. What if I got a couple edibles, and just packing them with all my other random ass food i bring on a plane? I usually just bring a bag filled with some chips, nuts, candy, cookies, or whatever else, so I'm thinking if i Just buy a couple edibles and mix them in with that it should be all good? What edibles would I guys recommend do you think, I was maybe going to bring cookies and such but now that I'm thinking what if you bring candy edibles, maybe lollipops or they have these things called "cheeba chews" which are almost like tootsie rolls but they are very potent and have a little bit of a smell. Suggestions?

Will Ferrell

Well-Known Member
i personally wouldnt try it, thnx alot bin laden.... lol but if i had to pick, i would say your edibles idea might be better. just an opinion from someone who knows NOTHING about airports security


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
So Im flying out of SFO and going to New Jersey. I am a medical marijuana patient so I was thinking about picking up maybe 2 of those disposable vape hash pens from a club and bringing it with me to NJ? Has anyone done this before without any problems? What do you guys think? I was maybe thinking about putting it in my toiletries bag? Or what other ideas? I know that when your traveling within CA, your allowed to actually bring your medical marijuana if you are actually a patient, but I am traveling out of state? Do you think the pens would set off the sensor or some other shit would happen?
Or recently I thought of another idea. What if I got a couple edibles, and just packing them with all my other random ass food i bring on a plane? I usually just bring a bag filled with some chips, nuts, candy, cookies, or whatever else, so I'm thinking if i Just buy a couple edibles and mix them in with that it should be all good? What edibles would I guys recommend do you think, I was maybe going to bring cookies and such but now that I'm thinking what if you bring candy edibles, maybe lollipops or they have these things called "cheeba chews" which are almost like tootsie rolls but they are very potent and have a little bit of a smell. Suggestions?
I think carrying interstate via major airline is BRILLIANT! Say high to fdd when you see him, mmmmm k?


Well-Known Member
Why no just eat an eadible or two right when u arrive at airport takes hour or two to.kick in now ur high for 5 or 6 hours


Well-Known Member
I have 6 different vape pens. Hash, wax, weed, you blow smoke out with all of them. " vape" with the pin means there is no flame, the product is heated with an electric coil...but your blowing out smoke,trust me. And theres the smell, its kinda noticeable.


Pickle Queen
When I left California to come back to Toronto I had my med card so I had a bunch of edibles with me....I made sure to consume everything before we landed...good thing because we got delayed in Dallas and we had to stay the night before catching the connecting flight which meant clearing security.
I honestly wouldn't risk hiding anything since they randomly swab people and their belongings for trace amounts of anything illegal. My brother in-law recently got banned from crossing the border for 2 yrs because he had a few roaches in his ash tray...sucks for him because his kid lives there and can't come into Canada without his green card. ...security doesn't mess around at borders if weed is involved so it's best to be safe!


Well-Known Member
I fly with actual weed all the time vaccume seal it and throw the Epens in your luggage.. You vape bro people bring that shit all over the place