am i doing something wrong here?


Well-Known Member
Put the whole plant in a big trash can and do a sulfur burn. That will kill everything. Dont start spraying it it wont help at this point.
Edit: Or better off the whole room its in cause you will never be able to grow in that room again without getting PM on every plant here on out. The spores survive through almost anything.

Chunky Stool

Well-Known Member
Does anyone use ozone to clean a room after plants have been removed? It would nuke the mold, but I'm not sure if it would kill all the mites. Ozone + hot shot?

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
i use ozone, it kicks ass. you just have to be careful with it, it will badly damage young plants if they're exposed to it. i got a strong little generator, it killed black mold growing in one of my walls, and i haven't gotten pm anywhere since i started using it. i run it one minute in the morning and one minute in the evening. i close it up in the bathroom with my cloner running empty and it sterilizes it better than bleach ever could

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
this is true, be careful with ozone, do not expose young plants to it at all, and don't expose adult plants to it for more than a few minutes

Chunky Stool

Well-Known Member
i think it does kill mites, know it kills aphids, seen the little fuckers dead after using it. not sure about eggs. maybe if you ran it long enough.
Hmm... seems like ozone is the easiest cleaning solution. I hear about people wiping down their walls with bleach, and I'm just not going to do that. I've got bugs in my garage until around Dec 1, thanks to my homeowners association. They insist that my yard waste can remain out of sight, so I've gotta put it in the garage. I'm working on a solution, but the shrubberies need to grow another year or two. Hell, I've got a few bugs in my plants now but it's not a big deal.
I recently tried an experiment that looks like it worked. Codename = Liquid Razor Blades
I mixed food grade DE with some distilled water and sprayed it on my plants. Two days later, I don't see squat as far as bugs go. Looks like shit, but DE rinses off easily. Next time I will use less.
Here's a pic of the basil I sprayed. Mrs. Stool isn't thrilled with the look but I'm going to rinse off the white shit today, now that they are bug free.

Chunky Stool

Well-Known Member
Look closer.
Use magnification and look and the undersides of those leaves. You'll probably find bugs & frass (poop).

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
Hmm... seems like ozone is the easiest cleaning solution. I hear about people wiping down their walls with bleach, and I'm just not going to do that. I've got bugs in my garage until around Dec 1, thanks to my homeowners association. They insist that my yard waste can remain out of sight, so I've gotta put it in the garage. I'm working on a solution, but the shrubberies need to grow another year or two. Hell, I've got a few bugs in my plants now but it's not a big deal.
I recently tried an experiment that looks like it worked. Codename = Liquid Razor Blades
I mixed food grade DE with some distilled water and sprayed it on my plants. Two days later, I don't see squat as far as bugs go. Looks like shit, but DE rinses off easily. Next time I will use less.
Here's a pic of the basil I sprayed. Mrs. Stool isn't thrilled with the look but I'm going to rinse off the white shit today, now that they are bug free.
View attachment 3834294
thats interesting..the only reservation i have is how bad does it plug up stomata? if it rinses off well, bravo.

Chunky Stool

Well-Known Member
thats interesting..the only reservation i have is how bad does it plug up stomata? if it rinses off well, bravo.
Not sure about stomata clogging. DE is like talcum powder and definitely rinses off easily. That's actually a gripe I hear from the people who use it as a topcoat for pest control. DE is *very* soluble and washes away every time you water. One way to get around this is to bottom feed. It works especially well with 100% coco coir.

Chunky Stool

Well-Known Member
For people who aren't familiar with DE, it stands for "diatomaceous earth" and is the fossilized remnants of microscopic organisms called diatoms. Under a microscope, diatom skeletons look like snowflakes -- only all of the edges are razor sharp, like broken glass. Totally harmless to humans and animals but lethal to small bugs. It cuts their exoskeletons and they die of dehydration.
Farmers actually use DE to deworm livestock. Not sure how that works...
Good chit!


Well-Known Member
well my conditions are kind of all over the place in the tent.. its in an unfinished basement... rh around 20-40%

temps run between 63 lights out up to 80 lights on.. usually in the 70s.

what is PM ? and the white mildewish stuff is not the camera flash its on the leaves

pretty sure i had mites before but dont really see them anymore.


Well-Known Member
heres 2 leaves i picked off.. so this is PM? how do i prevent it? my humidity is always super low 50% is the highest its ever been
Definitely looks like spider mites, also looks like pm too.
Mold doesn't really thrive in low humidity but if you grow in a room with mold issues visable or not you will eventually run into problems. Damaged/dead leaves/buds ect are the most susceptible to mold since its the most humid spot in the room and if you couple that with a moldy house ect then you will run into issues as soon as plant material starts decaying from stress/bugs ect.


Well-Known Member
ok im looking to order a few items to prevent insects..

neem oil
and doktor doom spider mite knockout.

i brought my plant into the shower yesterday and sprayed the crap out of it.. will take the shopvac to it today.
and i will try to lock in my environment though its tricky!! my rh goes up when the lights go out and a dehumidifier just makes my tent super hot

i got tons of airflow in my tent! im pretty sure my clones are infested. im tempted to toss them and start over

ahh well just see how this rides out!

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
perhaps i've been lucky, but so far any time i get mites, i alternate spraying a pyrethin spray with a spinosad product.
spray one, wait four days, spray the other, repeat in 4 days. so far its gotten rid of any pests i've gotten.
been lucky enough not to get pm, not sure what i'd do for it. i hear the sulfur burn is very effective, but it stinks and leaves a sticky residue in the general area. i guess i could deal with egg fart smell for a few hours, maybe go to a movie.