Well-Known Member
It means I have been reading your posts since you signed on to RIU. and considered you one of the clearer thinking, and straighter shooting dudes. As far as Sillaries honor is concerned. Are you trolling me? Go to YouTube and punch in Trey Gowdy and Bengazi, watch a few. Punch in Trey Gowdy and Emails, watch a few. Punch in Hillarie's lies, watch a few. Google Clinton foundation and Pay to Play, read a few articles. Sillary told Bengazi families it was because of an offensive video tape. Hillary had Susan Rice appear on 5, or was it 7, talk shows 5 days after the fact to tell the US. peeps it was a video tape reaction. Shillary passed off the whole debacle under her watch as "WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE?" An Email was released 2 or 3 days ago from the largest PAC.supporting Shillary, to the Shillary campaign confirming a meeting to plan campaign strategy( a smoking gun?). Sillary conspired with Wasserman-Shultz for the DNC. to practice bias against the Sanders campaign. There is enough of this stuff out there to fill a New York phone book. Honorable peeps do not need to bleach Pics of Chelsie's wedding. However, I could support bleaching pics. of her b4 and after surgery.
you are a misogynistic retard who believes in way too many conspiracy theories.