Draining The Swamp..

It means I have been reading your posts since you signed on to RIU. and considered you one of the clearer thinking, and straighter shooting dudes. As far as Sillaries honor is concerned. Are you trolling me? Go to YouTube and punch in Trey Gowdy and Bengazi, watch a few. Punch in Trey Gowdy and Emails, watch a few. Punch in Hillarie's lies, watch a few. Google Clinton foundation and Pay to Play, read a few articles. Sillary told Bengazi families it was because of an offensive video tape. Hillary had Susan Rice appear on 5, or was it 7, talk shows 5 days after the fact to tell the US. peeps it was a video tape reaction. Shillary passed off the whole debacle under her watch as "WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE?" An Email was released 2 or 3 days ago from the largest PAC.supporting Shillary, to the Shillary campaign confirming a meeting to plan campaign strategy( a smoking gun?). Sillary conspired with Wasserman-Shultz for the DNC. to practice bias against the Sanders campaign. There is enough of this stuff out there to fill a New York phone book. Honorable peeps do not need to bleach Pics of Chelsie's wedding. However, I could support bleaching pics. of her b4 and after surgery.

you are a misogynistic retard who believes in way too many conspiracy theories.
So lets say parents of a kid (that happens to be disabled - dont be so disrespectful) decides they dont like the childs public education they can move him. If they like the childs public education, he can stay....

Freedom of choice!! I know you hate the concept!!
Ha, school for academics is a myth. Choice is determined by the ability to transport the student. Go to school in your district = school bus. Go to a school outside your district = parent gets kid to nearest bus stop for that school or ride to school, and parent gets kid home from school or stop for that school nearest kids home. Darn near impossible for the pretty much 100% 2 working parent American family.
It means I have been reading your posts since you signed on to RIU. and considered you one of the clearer thinking, and straighter shooting dudes. As far as Sillaries honor is concerned. Are you trolling me? Go to YouTube and punch in Trey Gowdy and Bengazi, watch a few. Punch in Trey Gowdy and Emails, watch a few. Punch in Hillarie's lies, watch a few. Google Clinton foundation and Pay to Play, read a few articles. Sillary told Bengazi families it was because of an offensive video tape. Hillary had Susan Rice appear on 5, or was it 7, talk shows 5 days after the fact to tell the US. peeps it was a video tape reaction. Shillary passed off the whole debacle under her watch as "WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE?" An Email was released 2 or 3 days ago from the largest PAC.supporting Shillary, to the Shillary campaign confirming a meeting to plan campaign strategy( a smoking gun?). Sillary conspired with Wasserman-Shultz for the DNC. to practice bias against the Sanders campaign. There is enough of this stuff out there to fill a New York phone book. Honorable peeps do not need to bleach Pics of Chelsie's wedding. However, I could support bleaching pics. of her b4 and after surgery.

I'm not trolling you, I'm just curious about your opinion of what's being discussed. I had no intention of trying to pick a fight.

I've seen some of the youtube videos you are referring, and I've also read some of the facts published from Reuters and AP. And unfortunately much of what is factual flies in the face of what is presented in the "shock and awe" videos you are referring to.

But, let's take your opinion at face value and discuss the merits. What is your point of bringing up Hillary? Isn't she irrelevant at this point? Shouldn't we be focusing on the President-elect and what he's done to drain the swamp, or in this case, continue to fill the swamp with like minded billionaires who's sole intention is to line their pockets?
you are one dumb motherfucker.
do you understand the difference between private and public schools ?
Everyone does not have the right to be in a private school. Private schools do not have to accommodate children with LEARNING DISABILITY.
Students enrolled in private schools do not have the same right to special education as students in public school. PUBLIC SCHOOLS insure that these kids needs are met
I guess you have never heard of a special education law The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), well Private schools are not mandated by law to provide special education services or programs.

Talking and debating with you can make one dumb. I will now only insult you, because you don't know shit.. Very reason you are where you are in life.

You keep verbally assaulting me like you think it makes a difference. Either you are really pissed at me or you are just putting on an act. Either way it does not add to your argument.

I am not advocating taking anything away from people who want their children with disabilities to attend public school. I am advocating choice for the people who cant choose right now. You are for the failed status quo, I am for change and to find and use what works and promote it rather than cling to the failed policies of the past. If we were even 10th in the world in education you might have an argument for staying the same.

Not trying to take anything away, trying to give options and freedom and not have people forced to choose where they live dictated by district boundaries.
I'm not trolling you, I'm just curious about your opinion of what's being discussed. I had no intention of trying to pick a fight.

I've seen some of the youtube videos you are referring, and I've also read some of the facts published from Reuters and AP. And unfortunately much of what is factual flies in the face of what is presented in the "shock and awe" videos you are referring to.

But, let's take your opinion at face value and discuss the merits. What is your point of bringing up Hillary? Isn't she irrelevant at this point? Shouldn't we be focusing on the President-elect and what he's done to drain the swamp, or in this case, continue to fill the swamp with like minded billionaires who's sole intention is to line their pockets?
Sillary came up when Shuylaar said he voted for her and you said you where on the same page. Rice on Face the Nation, Meet the Press, etc. is not Shock and Awe, Sillary, DNC. and Sanders is not Shock and Awe. Sillary lying to Bengazi families is not Shock and Awe, Bill on the Tarmac with Lynch on Shillaries behalf is not Shock and Awe, Verifiable collusion tween a campaign and a PAC. is not Shock and Awe. No matter your take away, Congressional hearings are not Shock and Awe. Alex Jones, Glen Beck, The Young Turks and that ilk are Shock and Awe. Nothing I have mentioned came that type of site. A word to the wise, being on the same page with Shuylaar may not be a particularly desirable location. LOL. You say you have seen some of Gowdy's stuff. WATCH MORE. Like him or not he is a excellent and opportunistic questioner. I am known for having an excellent memory but this guy's recall is astounding. Chaffetz is good but Gowdy is like watching Mohamed Ali.
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Sillary came up when Shuylaar said he voted for her and you said you where on the same page. Rice on Face the Nation, Meet the Press, etc. is not Shock and Awe, Sillary, DNC. and Sanders is not Shock and Awe. Sillary lying to Bengazi families is not Shock and Awe, Bill on the Tarmac with Lynch on Shillaries behalf is not Shock and Awe, Verifiable collusion tween a campaign and a PAC. is not Shock and Awe. No matter your take away, Congressional hearings are not Shock and Awe. Alex Jones, Glen Beck, The Young Turks and that ilk are Shock and Awe. Nothing I have mentioned came that type of site. A word to the wise, being on the same page with Shuylaar may not be a particularly desirable location. LOL. You say you have seen some of Gowdy's stuff. WATCH MORE. Like him or not he is a excellent and opportunistic questioner. I am known for having an excellent memory but this guy's recall is astounding. Chaffetz is good but Gowdy is like watching Mohamed Ali.

Schuylaar is a girl..now what do you think?
Schuylaar is a girl..now what do you think?
I think Schuylaar is non-gender specific. I think I could correct my spelling of Schuylaar in several posts ( I won't ). I think I could change he to she in several posts ( I won't ). Other than that nothing has changed.
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He wants to grab her right in her opportunity and make America Great Again!!!
unless, of course, she gets sexually harassed while pursuing her career. then he believes she should just go work somewhere else.

sexual harassers have more rights than those being sexually harassed in your retarded world.
Sillary came up when Shuylaar said he voted for her and you said you where on the same page. Rice on Face the Nation, Meet the Press, etc. is not Shock and Awe, Sillary, DNC. and Sanders is not Shock and Awe. Sillary lying to Bengazi families is not Shock and Awe, Bill on the Tarmac with Lynch on Shillaries behalf is not Shock and Awe, Verifiable collusion tween a campaign and a PAC. is not Shock and Awe. No matter your take away, Congressional hearings are not Shock and Awe. Alex Jones, Glen Beck, The Young Turks and that ilk are Shock and Awe. Nothing I have mentioned came that type of site. A word to the wise, being on the same page with Shuylaar may not be a particularly desirable location. LOL. You say you have seen some of Gowdy's stuff. WATCH MORE. Like him or not he is a excellent and opportunistic questioner. I am known for having an excellent memory but this guy's recall is astounding. Chaffetz is good but Gowdy is like watching Mohamed Ali.

A word to the wise, before you assume I was agreeing with Ms Big Saggy Floppy Tits, you should read the other comments. If you had, you would have known I was being dismissive of her. I don't take her seriously. I just want pictures of her big sagging floppy titties. Is that so much to ask?

Also, please review my last comment, you managed to avoid its content and questions all together. I've addressed your questions, now you should address mine.
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I'm not trolling you, I'm just curious about your opinion of what's being discussed. I had no intention of trying to pick a fight.

I've seen some of the youtube videos you are referring, and I've also read some of the facts published from Reuters and AP. And unfortunately much of what is factual flies in the face of what is presented in the "shock and awe" videos you are referring to.

But, let's take your opinion at face value and discuss the merits. What is your point of bringing up Hillary? Isn't she irrelevant at this point? Shouldn't we be focusing on the President-elect and what he's done to drain the swamp, or in this case, continue to fill the swamp with like minded billionaires who's sole intention is to line their pockets?
A word to the wise, before you assume I was agreeing with Ms Big Saggy Floppy Tits, you should read the other comments. If you had, you would have known I was being dismissive of her. I don't take her seriously. I just want pictures of her big sagging floppy titties. Is that so much to ask?

Also, please review my last comment, you managed to avoid its content and questions all together. I've addressed your questions, now you should address mine.
I read all your comments , including the one about being dismissive. Maybe I suffered a cognitive brain fart but overall I got the impression you and Schuylaar were Sillary supporters. If by your last comment you mean the first quote above I thought I covered it as far as Shock and Awe reporting is concerned. Draining the swamp doesn't appear to be happening but conclusions are premature. Trump has yet to issue marching orders to his cabal of Robber Barons. We do not know what they will be and we do not know if they will honor them or not ( remember, US. Att. Hagg simply pissed in O Bama's shoe when he issued the Ogden Memo).
Sillary came up when Shuylaar said he voted for her and you said you where on the same page. Rice on Face the Nation, Meet the Press, etc. is not Shock and Awe, Sillary, DNC. and Sanders is not Shock and Awe. Sillary lying to Bengazi families is not Shock and Awe, Bill on the Tarmac with Lynch on Shillaries behalf is not Shock and Awe, Verifiable collusion tween a campaign and a PAC. is not Shock and Awe. No matter your take away, Congressional hearings are not Shock and Awe. Alex Jones, Glen Beck, The Young Turks and that ilk are Shock and Awe. Nothing I have mentioned came that type of site. A word to the wise, being on the same page with Shuylaar may not be a particularly desirable location. LOL. You say you have seen some of Gowdy's stuff. WATCH MORE. Like him or not he is a excellent and opportunistic questioner. I am known for having an excellent memory but this guy's recall is astounding. Chaffetz is good but Gowdy is like watching Mohamed Ali.
A word to the wise, before you assume I was agreeing with Ms Big Saggy Floppy Tits, you should read the other comments. If you had, you would have known I was being dismissive of her. I don't take her seriously. I just want pictures of her big sagging floppy titties. Is that so much to ask?

Also, please review my last comment, you managed to avoid its content and questions all together. I've addressed your questions, now you should address mine.
My original post and this post answers most of your Q's I believe. I admit I was more into football than RIU. at the time. If you have a confusion, ask away and I will try to expand on it.
<snip>Draining the swamp doesn't appear to be happening but conclusions are premature. Trump has yet to issue marching orders to his cabal of Robber Barons. We do not know what they will be and we do not know if they will honor them or not ( remember, US. Att. Hagg simply pissed in O Bama's shoe when he issued the Ogden Memo).

Either you are being naive, intentionally obtuse or simply cognitively dissonant. The mere act of appointing someone with no prior formal education experience to Education Secretary is defiant of draining any sort of swamp. In fact, almost every one of Trumps appointments have been in absolute defiance to that fact. You're being coy and rather transparent.

We are disagreeing, but you're not being honest.
Either you are being naive, intentionally obtuse or simply cognitively dissonant. The mere act of appointing someone with no prior formal education experience to Education Secretary is defiant of draining any sort of swamp. In fact, almost every one of Trumps appointments have been in absolute defiance to that fact. You're being coy and rather transparent.

We are disagreeing, but you're not being honest.
I am being honest, I called them Robber Baron's didn't I. I can't make it much planer w/o resorting to 4 letter words. As far as competency in any particular post (like ed. or env.). the appointee is expect to bring an administration compatible ideology ( name the last Env. Sec who had a science degree?) to the post. Experience is on the 3rd tier. The assistant, associate and under secretaries ad-infinitum actually do the running. A smidge of competency is nice but no way required (Janet Reno) Trump sees these peeps AS the swamp drainers (a new broom sweeps cleanest). I believe a lot of buffoonery will reveal itself in some sensitive jobs, other posts like UN. Ambassador ( Nikki Haley) can be done by anyone who can read a speech and tie their shoe laces in the morn. Others like Sessions, who I believe has a chance of not being confirmed, will no doubt turn back the clock 60 years, ( fill the prisons, national stop and frisk, blind eye to police misconduct and policing for profit, like in Ferguson, roll back gay rights, voter suppression, no knock warrants, nominating crazies to the bench and US. Attny. slots., national concealed carry all of which trump sees as draining the swamp.
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Either you are being naive, intentionally obtuse or simply cognitively dissonant. The mere act of appointing someone with no prior formal education experience to Education Secretary is defiant of draining any sort of swamp. In fact, almost every one of Trumps appointments have been in absolute defiance to that fact. You're being coy and rather transparent.

We are disagreeing, but you're not being honest.
