
I liked that you said I was rude. That is exactly what I wanted to hear from the likes of you. I give a like and I take that shit away once you saw it. Just waiting to find out who you are Socky

Just to be clear, you don't think what you were typing was rude?
First tell me who you were before you were forced to become a sockpuppet

As I said, I have a very good friend who has been a long time member on RIU for over eight years. He has been trying to get me to join for over a year and I finally did. You haven't ever recommended this site to a friend?
I've been reading the conversations in this section quite a bit in the last few days. There seems to be a few characters that are incredibly rude, use very vulgar language and seem to have admin's permission to break the code of conduct with no repercussion. This gentleman is certainly one of them.

LOL. right.

welcome back. we'll figure you out before too long.

edit: LOL! nevermind. see above.
Well, that's a heckuva way to treat a new member. I have an interest in growing and an interest in political discussion and joined this site for both. Why would my time be limited for actively participating in the section that most interests me?

New members interested in grow, political or not, do not go straight to RIU politics forum. Ever. You're here for a reason. It's part of the game we find out who you are. 9 times out of 10 you are someone who was banned, masked their IP and are back.

There are some here, who are socks 10 times over.

All's fair in love and war and sock puppets.
As I said, I have a very good friend who has been a long time member on RIU for over eight years. He has been trying to get me to join for over a year and I finally did. You haven't ever recommended this site to a friend?

Do you share your addictions with others?

And NO!..I don't recommend this place to others..why would anyone want real friends here?
I actually own two laundromats and a cleaners. I like the fact that I don't have to touch my USAF pension. I don't knock a welder, but you can make a hell of a lot more doing underwater welding...but that felony might hold you back. Why did you think you could get away with selling pounds and pounds of weed out of state ? You seeking my attention ? Be careful you might just get it Laverne
There's good money in welding.. that's what I originally went to school for. When I was 19 I was making 27/hr. Not bad for a short course. Glad I ended up getting back into plumbing
There's good money in welding.. that's what I originally went to school for. When I was 19 I was making 27/hr. Not bad for a short course. Glad I ended up getting back into plumbing
Sure there is good money in welding. Depending on what type of welder you are decides how much you are going to make.
Sure there is good money in welding. Depending on what type of welder you are decides how much you are going to make.
underwater is obviously the best pay. but the risk is pretty heavy with it. now the only thing i use is solder and a torch lol. plumbing was the way to go, i average about 100 an hour. lowest i go is 95.. but depending the work and who its for ill go up to 150. also helps i started my own company
There's good money in welding.. that's what I originally went to school for. When I was 19 I was making 27/hr. Not bad for a short course. Glad I ended up getting back into plumbing

You aren't joking, in my area they charge 90-130$ an hour if you can get one to show up.
Which has kept my gippo ass busy @35$ , lol. Still hard on the body though, my step Father's neck, back and knees are shot at 62 from plumbing. My dear friend/client says "you guys sell your bodies like whores" knowing from experience, he destoyed his back working with an italian family doing masonry.
underwater is obviously the best pay. but the risk is pretty heavy with it. now the only thing i use is solder and a torch lol. plumbing was the way to go, i average about 100 an hour. lowest i go is 95.. but depending the work and who its for ill go up to 150. also helps i started my own company

Solder on a pex fitting I hope:-)
Solder on a pex fitting I hope:-)
lol melt it together.. i hate pex, my only real insurance claim was from a pex fitting, a 3/4" coupling. i guess the fitting was bad. house was a flip house, so noone was home, but the guy called me cracking it, he said he seen water coming down the road when he pulled up the next day. a 3/4" inch pipe just pouring water all night is a lot of water lol.. 39k in damage. amazed he still calls me, hes one of my best customers.
You aren't joking, in my area they charge 90-130$ an hour if you can get one to show up.
Which has kept my gippo ass busy @35$ , lol. Still hard on the body though, my step Father's neck, back and knees are shot at 62 from plumbing. My dear friend/client says "you guys sell your bodies like whores" knowing from experience, he destoyed his back working with an italian family doing masonry.
thats funny. i also do masonry on the side, only been doing it for the past like 5 months though. love it though. lots of money to be made in it and i love doing stone work. something about bashing a stone into shape with a 4 pound hammer is a lot of fun. i typically charge 95/hr for plumbing but some areas around here see my price and think its too cheap so they think im not good enough or something. so i bump it up to around 150 so they feel right lol