The homeless/zombie crisis.


Well-Known Member
So homelessness is getting pretty bad around portland. Camps all over, driving businesses into the ground because consumers dont want to see bum camps while eating their lunch or have to pass through a bunch of junkies on their way to get some new nikes.

Personally i dont feed the homeless. When i see them on the corner with a sign i dont give them any money. My theory is if you give a squirrel a nut he'll probably come back looking for more nuts. It seems like with all the ways Portland condones homelessness and supports the homeless, that theres no real incentive to stop being homeless. Food stamps, police that almost never get rid of bum camps, water fountains on street corners, food banks, shelters, a constant supply of people giving them cash to stand there and look crazy, hey, why mess with a good thing right?

Unfortunately its a disaster. Theres junkies all over, needles on the streets, people sleeping on the ground, my friends brother oded the other day (homless junkie), and the city looks like shit.

So whats the solution? Stop taking care of them so they go away? Take matters into our own hands and tear down the camps vigilante style? Bag em and tag em, toss em into looney bins and take care of em for the rest of their lives? Ship em all to Australia? Any ideas?
Just so you know. They're still people.

I bet half of them didn't think they'd end up living in the streets, begging for the small change that feeds them.

Yea sure. There's a pretty big drug problem amongst a lot of homeless people. But, wouldn't you want to be comfortably numb for a couple hours, if all you had were the clothes on your back. And the cold hard ground to sleep on.

The other thing is. When you're homeless. People don't always treat you like you're human. It's like you've suddenly gotten the plague. They'd rather cross the street. Or ignore you, than hand out a few measly coins.
So homelessness is getting pretty bad around portland. Camps all over, driving businesses into the ground because consumers dont want to see bum camps while eating their lunch or have to pass through a bunch of junkies on their way to get some new nikes.

Personally i dont feed the homeless. When i see them on the corner with a sign i dont give them any money. My theory is if you give a squirrel a nut he'll probably come back looking for more nuts. It seems like with all the ways Portland condones homelessness and supports the homeless, that theres no real incentive to stop being homeless. Food stamps, police that almost never get rid of bum camps, water fountains on street corners, food banks, shelters, a constant supply of people giving them cash to stand there and look crazy, hey, why mess with a good thing right?

Unfortunately its a disaster. Theres junkies all over, needles on the streets, people sleeping on the ground, my friends brother oded the other day (homless junkie), and the city looks like shit.

So whats the solution? Stop taking care of them so they go away? Take matters into our own hands and tear down the camps vigilante style? Bag em and tag em, toss em into looney bins and take care of em for the rest of their lives? Ship em all to Australia? Any ideas?
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They are people ..dont be such an insensitive prick alienwidow
I cant help it, the more i get to know them, (see them day after day), the more i dont like to see em. Theres one girl who gets dropped off at the same spot every day and im pretty sure shes not even homeless, the job just pays good. Theres another spot where the bums all have a fire every night after begging all day and get shitfaced and leave cans, bottles, and garbage in a circle around the fire like gross rings of saturn with a burnt spot in the middle.

If we cant stick em in a wood chipper then how can we fix the problem? Rehab? Work camps? Government provided housing with mandatory drug testing? Or just stop completely giving them anything?
^^^What he said^^^

I've been homeless for a short while, and Nugachino is right; you feel totally sub human, like you're included in anything by society at large... :-?
I was homeless for almost a year when i was 18, i started selling weed i could get on a front so i could get couches to surf on. Then i got a job working making good money and went and got an appartment.
I cant help it, the more i get to know them, (see them day after day), the more i dont like to see em. Theres one girl who gets dropped off at the same spot every day and im pretty sure shes not even homeless, the job just pays good. Theres another spot where the bums all have a fire every night after begging all day and get shitfaced and leave cans, bottles, and garbage in a circle around the fire like gross rings of saturn with a burnt spot in the middle.

If we cant stick em in a wood chipper then how can we fix the problem? Rehab? Work camps? Government provided housing with mandatory drug testing? Or just stop completely giving them anything?
That hate is unnatural , you must have some deep resentment. Why not help your fellow brother or sister
That hate is unnatural , you must have some deep resentment. Why not help your fellow brother or sister
Cause i work hard for my money, im not going to support someone not working for anything except to get fucked up tonight. They have food stamps cause the government wont say no to homeless people. So all the money they get is for dope or booze usually. If they were say getting money for a hotel room so they could have a shower and wash their clothes in the tub id probably give em a buck, but i dont think thats whats going on.
Portland has twice the homeless pop of Austin while Austin has 200,000 more people
Thats cause portland embraces the homeless with open arms and open hearts. Ive talked to some homless folks and they say that homeless people from all over the country know that Portland is the place to be when you're homeless!
Should be a big hole in the labor force coming up with legalized pot.
“We" have a spot for them.
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I'm not against a prisoner having a job. I'm not against a prison offsetting the cost to taxpayers with said jobs.

We cant just throw people in a hole and break them. Make them suffer.

The goal of incarceration should be to make the victim and society hole. Locking someone away and making them forget all life skills does not make society whole.

I am all for jobs, degrees and such in prison. It only benefits us when those people get out.