Chill man.
I don't really need a university link for soil. I get why you would list it.
I never attacked you or anything.
You just post a link and tell someone to get to it. Doesn't really make much sense.
This is a much better place to start.
Long but good read. I'm not really no till as I rotate batches of soil out.
Peat is not bad. It can get acidic over time but is fine to use. Promix is peat based. The main problem I have with peat is not ph problems. It gets hydrophobic if it dries too much and hard to get it to take water.
"Teaming with Microbes" is a good read for organic gardening.
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So maybe instead of getting your panties in a wad, explain how you used that link to make your soil. How much of what and how long did you let it cook.
I don't know why you think I made some personal attack against you. I simply asked you to show your own work. Not some link that a person can get lost in.