So homelessness is getting pretty bad around portland. Camps all over, driving businesses into the ground because consumers dont want to see bum camps while eating their lunch or have to pass through a bunch of junkies on their way to get some new nikes.
Personally i dont feed the homeless. When i see them on the corner with a sign i dont give them any money. My theory is if you give a squirrel a nut he'll probably come back looking for more nuts. It seems like with all the ways Portland condones homelessness and supports the homeless, that theres no real incentive to stop being homeless. Food stamps, police that almost never get rid of bum camps, water fountains on street corners, food banks, shelters, a constant supply of people giving them cash to stand there and look crazy, hey, why mess with a good thing right?
Unfortunately its a disaster. Theres junkies all over, needles on the streets, people sleeping on the ground, my friends brother oded the other day (homless junkie), and the city looks like shit.
So whats the solution? Stop taking care of them so they go away? Take matters into our own hands and tear down the camps vigilante style? Bag em and tag em, toss em into looney bins and take care of em for the rest of their lives? Ship em all to Australia? Any ideas?
it is kind of easy but no one will ever do it as they think all ppl can be saved
1 start up a program where all of them get moved into apartments for 6 months
2 during that time they attend classes for basic job skills ....3 ,months they train 3 months they look for work
3 the public bus are accessible to the apartments (or at the end of the block)
that takes care of the the time expires for the 6 months or they actually make it the apartments are turned over with new ppl
now the ones that do nothing do not try do not anything but take ....they are flagged in the system removing them from the system given them no more benefits (their ss number is tag along with names and birthdays )......a simple photo of the ppl will keep them from scamming the system ( software is smart enough to tell who is who ...u can even smile again in dmv pics the software has gotten that smart)
now for the fun part the cops needs to get off there high horse glove up and start picking up the ppl for needle drugs (weed is legal u need more go to amsterdam ) the number of ppl increase in the jail for the drugs offense u build the new jail on the edge of the state
they finish the time they get a kick in the ass and told .....u used up welcome in this state .....u can not get on any more programs here and u will be searched each time u are stopped as u are flagged as homeless and drug user point in staying here next state is 10 miles that way try there ............u shuffle them out of the area ........i say u gather them up in some state with floods and tornadoes ( if they take out trailer parks think about tent cities ) was their choice and our choice to let nature do the dirty work
if u want a quicker way
every kitchen every place that serves food all the trash cans are laces with a spray rat poison at night .......kills rats and other stuff makes humans really really sick
remove the food supply so they will move on or die off
at some point have to cut loses or u go down with them .......u make every effort to help out the ones that really want the ones just scamming the system need to be removed