So homelessness is getting pretty bad around portland. Camps all over, driving businesses into the ground because consumers dont want to see bum camps while eating their lunch or have to pass through a bunch of junkies on their way to get some new nikes.
Personally i dont feed the homeless. When i see them on the corner with a sign i dont give them any money. My theory is if you give a squirrel a nut he'll probably come back looking for more nuts. It seems like with all the ways Portland condones homelessness and supports the homeless, that theres no real incentive to stop being homeless. Food stamps, police that almost never get rid of bum camps, water fountains on street corners, food banks, shelters, a constant supply of people giving them cash to stand there and look crazy, hey, why mess with a good thing right?
Unfortunately its a disaster. Theres junkies all over, needles on the streets, people sleeping on the ground, my friends brother oded the other day (homless junkie), and the city looks like shit.
So whats the solution? Stop taking care of them so they go away? Take matters into our own hands and tear down the camps vigilante style? Bag em and tag em, toss em into looney bins and take care of em for the rest of their lives? Ship em all to Australia? Any ideas?