Any knife nuts out there? Use the steel

Nope, i lied, you were right:

Tamahagane Kyoto Damascus Stainless Knife series are quite high quality, extremely sharp, hard, and durable for professional use. The 63 Layers Damascus and it's beautiful design must impress you by the details of it's well calculated, meticulous design. The Core layer is VG-5, High Carbon Molybdenum Vanadium Steel, is enveloped by 31 layers of SUS410 (13 Chrome Stainless Steel) on one side with soft and hard stainless steel. The powdered steel contains a lot of carbon and has an unprecedented hardness of approximately 61 Rockwell.

Tamahagane Kyoto series are distinctive yet classic while fitting very comfortably in your hand. The edge of the blade is hand-finished (fine-grinded by hand) one by one with waterstones. The beveled edge features an angle between 14 and 15 degrees. Features an incredible mirror polish finish with perfect balance between sharpness and strength.

Its handle is so easy to grip and it's weight is very well balanced, that has the Metal Tsuba to fully seal between the blade and the handle, to keep the knife sanitary. The handle is corrosion resistant made from compressed laminated black wood.

I like that they're double edged and japanese...that's about 7 degrees on each side so you were technically right earlier. I hate owning high end knives because I feel the need to covet them by not grinding the shoulders as new edges are formed. You do that long enough at the same angle and the bevels get so wide they are super dull...would take quite a while on that beauty though. On full flat grinds like these, the shoulders, unfortunately are the entire sides.
I have a knife sharpening business. People pay really good money for me to put new edges on their knives. At least 3/5 times I can take a customers knife, run it up and down a steel a few times, then shave hair with it. This is out of those who actually took care to not nick, dent or otherwise abuse their edges.....Like restaurants that don't provide cutlery or chef's that purchase their own.

How many of you use a non-abrasive "sharpener"? Just letting you know, it's the single most overlooked thing for anyone with a dull knife.

i am a blade nut any given point in this house u are less then 1 step away from a weapon blade gun or blunt ojbect

what angle do u like 20 26 32
do u use a ruby dust wheel

i do not get paid for it but i find it relaxing ......ppl will give me a blade and i will sit there and work on it with a stone and oil ........i call it sharp once it can cut meat with no pressure......lay it ontop and just pull back it should cut half inch with a stroke (20 degrees makes it like razor but the edge never holds long i like a 26 degree sharp and will last a good 2-4 months with use)
i am a blade nut any given point in this house u are less then 1 step away from a weapon blade gun or blunt ojbect

what angle do u like 20 26 32
do u use a ruby dust wheel

i do not get paid for it but i find it relaxing ......ppl will give me a blade and i will sit there and work on it with a stone and oil ........i call it sharp once it can cut meat with no pressure......lay it ontop and just pull back it should cut half inch with a stroke (20 degrees makes it like razor but the edge never holds long i like a 26 degree sharp and will last a good 2-4 months with use)
Come sharpen my knives ya fucker of the Amish verity!
My buddy just gave me some of these from his work

I guess it's called a "shoe knife"? I got one sharpened and lapped in. It's like a straight razor with a wood handle. I use it for chopping veggies. I can slice onion and garlic so thin they melt. ..:hump:. It's drawn blood twice now, sharp fucker.
Come sharpen my knives ya fucker of the Amish verity!

i do not mind i find it relaxing ...........i will supply my own weed just need a steak and some beer

give me a chair outside i have them done in no times .....assuming they once had a edge (if i got to repoint it or if was a blank i need a grinder and a ruby wheel )

when i get to oregon i plan to build a forge ( the land i am moving too is ontop of a foothill with neightbor 1/2 mile away ) .......i done blacksmith over a summer at rose hill manor (it is fun to me)

Glad to see I'm not the only one who stashes knives around the house. Not that's it's really necessary, anythings is a weapon if you know what your doing.

house of brothers plus we all sold weed out of here it was more stop bullshit before it grow to the lvl needs a gun to shut down the house with out need to break things we own

stephen and i have stabbed each other so the rest of the ppl knew we had no trouble stabbing them
Indeed I've got guns knifes and many other fun things but have actually done some of my best work with a fishing pole ....I really liked that fishing pole to
I got stabbed with the splintered end of an old broken fiberglass fishingrod while fooling around "fencing" with a friend when I was younger. Multiple holes and I was picking stands of glass out of my stomach for weeks. That sucked, those things are no joke.
I got stabbed with the splintered end of an old broken fiberglass fishingrod while fooling around "fencing" with a friend when I was younger. Multiple holes and I was picking stands of glass out of my stomach for weeks. That sucked, those things are no joke.
lol When I was a kid, me and my brother got a small pool set for christmas. It took us 1 day before we started using the pool cues as swords. He broke one over my back and I broke one over his fucking face! Then we got spanked by our mum for being assholes to each other lol good times.
lol When I was a kid, me and my brother got a small pool set for christmas. It took us 1 day before we started using the pool cues as swords. He broke one over my back and I broke one over his fucking face! Then we got spanked by our mum for being assholes to each other lol good times.
My parents got me the fullsize Heman hard plastic swords, you know, the ones that had casting flash around the edges so it was still like a serrated edge, I sliced my friends forehead open with it. Kids nowadays will never be able to reminisce about their childhood scars. .well not the physical ones.
I got stabbed with the splintered end of an old broken fiberglass fishingrod while fooling around "fencing" with a friend when I was younger. Multiple holes and I was picking stands of glass out of my stomach for weeks. That sucked, those things are no joke.

I shared this before but the fishing pole incident was at a quickly mart near my house ....altercation started there were a few of them one of me and I'm nota small guy so they felt the need to grab a stick so I grabbed my fishin pole and literally had to slide it together for better reach was coming home from fishing and actually had my 38 revolver in the car but id rather not go there if not needed obviously I proceeded to whoop one of there asses with my fishing pole and it did the job ....then returned home ...about 10 or so minutes later I'm out in front of my house late at night mind you and these fuckers come rolling by real slow looking at me and then park down the road I thought oh great here we go with the police or drama .....long story short ....I ended up beating my good neighbor friends wife's oldest kid from a different marriage .....lmao and that's my luck ...things were ackward between us for a while but we laugh about it now .....funny shit
i am a blade nut any given point in this house u are less then 1 step away from a weapon blade gun or blunt ojbect

what angle do u like 20 26 32
do u use a ruby dust wheel

i do not get paid for it but i find it relaxing ......ppl will give me a blade and i will sit there and work on it with a stone and oil ........i call it sharp once it can cut meat with no pressure......lay it ontop and just pull back it should cut half inch with a stroke (20 degrees makes it like razor but the edge never holds long i like a 26 degree sharp and will last a good 2-4 months with use)

I didn't set out getting paid for it. I used to do it for free sometimes. Explaining things like what is convex, flat and hollow edge, why grind the shoulder, what angles do and whatever. What is temper and why that bench grinder is not such a great idea without a water bath and some speed controller like a Tormec machine. Why carbide wheels ruin your shit....ect...nothing really sticks with people anymore, nice to see so many of you folks here.

My meat scimitars I like about 10 degrees on each side...boners more like 15. Its muscle memory so just a rough estimate. Those go on a wet tri stone but I don't use the fine stone at all... Course to grind the shoulders and put the edge if its really fucked up or needs a new profile, then medium, done. Gets me 2 months of daily use with a steel. Tip to heel, edge to spine so I never have burrs. Lays the teeth down so they bite on the pull.

I like higher convex angles on the kitchen ware, helps withstand the abuse...about 15 on them. My good stuff, spyderco's and fillet knives and such I will match the exact mfg angle and reuse that angle. Usually 20 degrees for hunters roughly. If those angles are off according to my angle cube then I will put the work in and reprofile.
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My parents got me the fullsize Heman hard plastic swords, you know, the ones that had casting flash around the edges so it was still like a serrated edge, I sliced my friends forehead open with it. Kids nowadays will never be able to reminisce about their childhood scars. .well not the physical ones.

Shit they got an app for that now psssssshhh
i had seen them when they first came out years back. out my price range. for what i use my knifes for, my hand angles are close enough. to me is about the burr, get your burr then get rid of
sorta a totally different subject, but has anyone made any old-school knives from leaf-springs?
that's shit is burly, usually made from 5160 steel, I've heard these are popular in third world countries as they can cut through hard bamboo without dulling too badly (bamboo is strong shit)
I have an extra 4" vortex fan that I don't use (used to be set up for dual 400w HIDS) but I've been thinking of making a forge with it and some bricks
pretty cool
course I don't need another fuckin hobby...