Most expensive gift so far


Well-Known Member
What have y'all bought? Just bought thet lady a new truck. Getting the bed coated tomorrow plus remote start . should be happy come Christmas.boat is back running that's all I wished for.

bought a guitar pedal for someone
Years ago me and a bunch of friends arrived early to my best friend's house for xmas dinner before he got home, and his wife let us in. We went into his den and we each took things he owned and wrapped them in wrapping paper. The look on his face was priceless for each gift he opened, "Uh, thanks for this. Wow, thanks for that", trying his best to be polite while receiving shit he already owned. Took him to the fourth gift before saying, 'You fuckers! This is all my shit!' We all laughed our asses off watching him rip the paper off the rest of the gifts and put them all back in their place...
a few years back i put my card on file at the local mani/pedi place and told my wife she could have as many as she wanted, in perpetuity and throughout the universe. years later i am thousands in the hole on that one.

@jacksmuff is a mainliner sock puppet, has a tiny penis, and has never sexually satisfied a woman in his entire life.
a few years back i put my card on file at the local mani/pedi place and told my wife she could have as many as she wanted, in perpetuity and throughout the universe. years later i am thousands in the hole on that one.

@jacksmuff is a mainliner sock puppet, has a tiny penis, and has never sexually satisfied a woman in his entire life.
Not mainliner but yes cock is small and no never fucked the wife but have zipped the tip a few times I'm sure that counts for something