T5HO Bulbs Hortilux power veg/zoomed

Kind Sir

Well-Known Member
I have a 4ft8bulb T5 for veg, need some bulbs. Was looking at even getting 1 powerveg bulb, what other brands are good to grab a pack of?

While I'm at it, I need a new HPS Bulb. Is it necessary to buy higher end bulbs? I started with eye Hortilux but want to make sure it's worth it.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Name brand ? Nope, for years I have bought Plantmax generic greenhouse HPS bulbs for around $25 a bulb.......In the long run.....I don't find spending 4 for 1 a deal..... for any reason....
Funny thing I've noticed. You don't see those Plantmax in many Hydro shops at all, do you? They're made to work, not make money off from!

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
all you need to look at is the spectrum chart . you will notice the crappy t5 spectrum on the hortilux and standard bulbs .
BS! Mix your spectrum bulbs! I run 6 and 8 spot T5's in veg and have 3 different K value bulbs (I use the K value for ease of explanation)! T-5's HO's do a damn fine job! Better then those low quality hockey puck LED's!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kind Sir

Well-Known Member
BS! Mix your spectrum bulbs! I run 6 and 8 spot T5's in veg and have 3 different K value bulbs (I use the K value for ease of explanation)! T-5's HO's do a damn fine job! Better then those low quality hockey puck LED's!!!!!!!!!!!!
May I ask what brand T5 bulbs you use, I need them for veg but want a nice mix still. Was looking at Zoomed/Wavepoint T5 bulbs, they're pricey though.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
May I ask what brand T5 bulbs you use, I need them for veg but want a nice mix still. Was looking at Zoomed/Wavepoint T5 bulbs, they're pricey though.
I simply get some DEEP blue aquarium bulbs (what ever one is cheaper - best to shop ebay or on line for better cost) - costly though.... And a simple mix of cheap T5 HO from 1000bulbs .com......Like 2 deeps, 2 65K's, 2 27K/30K's and alternate them. You could use 41K's in place of the 27's if you like.....

I buy Ushio and EiKO buy the 25 bulb case....cheaper way to go. GREAT quality! fricking friends come over a LOT and buy some off me.. Man, your closer and cheaper then the shops! LOL!

bryan oconner

Well-Known Member
BS! Mix your spectrum bulbs! I run 6 and 8 spot T5's in veg and have 3 different K value bulbs (I use the K value for ease of explanation)! T-5's HO's do a damn fine job! Better then those low quality hockey puck LED's!!!!!!!!!!!!
Should of specified . shitty spec tri 1 color bulb like a 6500. Yeah add 1. 10000k 6 2700 and 1. 6500 great coverage. Hortilux gives you examples what bulbs to use . Dr is giving. Me a hard time today. Keep it coming lol . I like