Do you understand you have a gun problem ?

Do you really see the problem ?

  • yes, big chesseburgers meaning it doesn't bother me

    Votes: 4 17.4%
  • yes fucking of course i fucking do !!

    Votes: 8 34.8%
  • yes my brain needs rechecking ... it is a problem but i'm not worried

    Votes: 2 8.7%
  • are you worried ?

    Votes: 9 39.1%

  • Total voters
yes fucking of course i fucking do !!
7 vote(s)

ha ha !! loook at you all getting angry in a crowd not knowing ha !! wow .... it was 65% 'yes i am worried'

interesting, anyways i gotta go be busy :)

The joke is on you Mainy. Had you been paying proper attention to your own life and habits rather being concerned with what citizens of a different country do; your liver wouldn't be shot and you likely live a longer and happier life. In short, mind your own fucking business and fix that.

Lol. Failing that mainy, at least learn one tune properly on the guitar so you can play for an audience. Those YT vids you posted SUCKED. Less posting, more practicing...
Ah what the fuck. I just explained a ton of stuff in your other dumb thread and now it's deleted.

I guess it was my fault for posting in a mainliner thread though.
Good to know you're still with us. Sucks when people just disappear, I need closer damnit. :razz:

I might be on tc this weekend, too damn cold to do anything else. :smile:
murder laws don't stop all murders either, we can probably shitcan those laws as well.
I see your point.

Just pointing out that making someone put numbers on their gun doesn't stop others from building one without.

I also understand the risk of owning guns. I understand the statistics.

That being said, I no longer have a gun just laying around. All of my guns are locked up. My pistol, if not on me, is in a lock box that opens with a wristband. It has biometric and key backup.

I get it but why keep adding laws? Why not enforce the ones there and actually keep those type people off the street?

Why not rebuild the mental health system and start taking care of the problem instead of just pawning the mentally ill off on the prison system?
Interesting how little need some first world nations have for guns. I wonder why?

we don't have a gun problem, we have a humanity problem. places that have the least poverty and the least disparity among classes have a lot less crime and natural need for guns.

the US is like a war zone compared to a country like, say Sweden. It's natural for people to feel they need guns if they're in a war zone.

jail the real criminals and everything else starts to take care of itself.

Put Dick Cheney, both Bushes, both Clintons, Obama, the entire republican party, 3/4 of the democrat party, Rupert Murdoch, Trump and pretty much all his picks, half the supreme court, all the heads of investment banks for the last 25 years and the CEOs of a few dozen other corporations in prison, we'd find that a lot less people have or want guns.

we'd also find the world hating us less. we'd discover the need for war is less. there'd be so much less bullshit in the world and we'd find out just how good life can be.
I think the best part of Chex mix is the Chex. They soak up all the butter and Worcestershire sauce, so they're full of flavor. The other stuff is just there for variety I think, they need to fill the bag. Who eats those fuckin rye bread slices anyway? Fucking cocksuckers, that's who.
That is what made them awful fighters. Being gold-lined is a lot of unsuspended mass.
From Wiki:
A warlike people, the Scythians were particularly known for their equestrian skills, and their early use of composite bows shot from horseback. With great mobility, the Scythians could absorb the attacks of more cumbersome footsoldiers and cavalry, just retreating into the steppes. Such tactics wore down their enemies, making them easier to defeat. The Scythians were notoriously aggressive warriors. They "fought to live and lived to fight" and "drank the blood of their enemies and used the scalps as napkins."
I read an estimate once that there are maybe 100 million guns kept very quietly by folks in Germany, France and the UK.

Thus the presence of guns is not the real problem here.

But I might be wrong.

Sounds like NRA bullshit. So Europe has as many or more hidden guns than us, yet nobody ever sees them and they have no crimes caused by them ...

I call bullshit