Random Jabber Jibber thread

Chorizo! And I added some to the beans too
Not sure where anyone's from but I cook chorizo with my eggs on a pretty consistent basis. Fry you some corn tortillas in a skillet and have you some badass breakfast tacos. I like menudo too. Menudo isn't for everyone but I like that stuff. Usually it's only served on the weekend at certain places.
I'm old and losing coordination ... talking while licking isn't easy any more
Probably not as photogenic either.

j/k. luv ya man
Not sure where anyone's from but I cook chorizo with my eggs on a pretty consistent basis. Fry you some corn tortillas in a skillet and have you some badass breakfast tacos. I like menudo too. Menudo isn't for everyone but I like that stuff. Usually it's only served on the weekend at certain places.
Menudo is the best hangover soup ever! I love it
Not sure where anyone's from but I cook chorizo with my eggs on a pretty consistent basis. Fry you some corn tortillas in a skillet and have you some badass breakfast tacos. I like menudo too. Menudo isn't for everyone but I like that stuff. Usually it's only served on the weekend at certain places.
LOL local taco shack here sells some terrific menudo (for the crudo). Their pozole isn't 1/2 bad either.
Still blows my mind you all go on TC on Friday and Saturday night.. Why not Monday and Tuesday when everyone is licking their wounds irl?
Any night tag me and I will beup to have adrink.

Was a few people on last night if I wasnt hallucinating. I had to run to talk to someone.

I went to cheque for mail and slipped down the stairs.

These streets are cold, break a mans hip just for walking down the wrong street.