GroErr Grows...


Well-Known Member
Yeah like I'm done, I'm done! idk the science of how it may change them but there's definitely physical effects going on to make them come out louder in smell/terps and my buds have never been as dense. Even on the side where I ran low w/sq. ft. buds are solid and huge colas. Light definitely has an effect though, think outdoor, same strain/pheno can turn out quite different outdoor vs. indoor so spectrum definitely has physical effects on them, as well as the environment of course.
Again...the Romulan being a new strain for me on the virgin COB run i dont have a baseline terp/smell profile. But everything else you and tty have said has proved true so i dont doubt... ill just have to wait till i run a familiar strain to see how profound the change is.

But... i can say this... the difference between smoking this strain and vaping it is much greater than in anything else ive tried. I use a pax 2 and the taste is just incredible. It is the same taste obviously but the flavour just comes through way better in the pax.

Cant wait to make hash!


Well-Known Member
Some more loud terps out of the flower room. Pulled these last night, will get them chopped and hung in the next day or two between festivities bongsmilie

Blue Pyramid in 1 gal, down on the end with 28w/sq. ft. 1st gen clone finished in 48 days. Nice early finisher, chunks of tangerine hash off the vine, yum :)


Blue Ripper F2/P3 keeper, 3 gal at Day 73, on the end with 22w/sq. ft., slow finish but no loss in yield I'd say. This one will go on to mother F3's once I find an appropriate F2 male. She has a lower branch back-crossed to the F1 Blue Ripper male to see what pops from that end of the cross. 1st gen clone, looks like she likes training and very acceptable production. This one has the strongest combo of cannabinoids in the garden. I (nor anyone who's tried it) can smoke this and go out in public, or at least not interacting with anyone, just makes you stupid stoned :)


Cheers :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Nice and Fat. Congrats on completing the cycle so well.

Have a nice Holiday bro.

Cheers JD, but not near done yet! Still have 1x 3gal which is around day 90 now!! (she's done when she dries, has nothing left in her), 3x 2gal's, and 3x 1gal's in there. Some more dank coming up through the holidays :)

Hope you and yours enjoy some time together JD, that's what it's all about :)


Well-Known Member
Damn G, a 48 day strain :clap:
Yeah the original from seed was smokable and quite good when I pulled it early (on purpose) at day 42! This strain from Pyramid seems very consistent and true breeding, only difference between this pheno and the first one I had (lost it earlier this year) is this one produces much more (nice!) and adds a very strong tangerine smell/flavour :)


Well-Known Member
Yeah the original from seed was smokable and quite good when I pulled it early (on purpose) at day 42! This strain from Pyramid seems very consistent and true breeding, only difference between this pheno and the first one I had (lost it earlier this year) is this one produces much more (nice!) and adds a very strong tangerine smell/flavour :)
Sounds like a keeper for sure what a gem. :hump:


Well-Known Member
Looking awesome as usual sir.
Loving the sound of a 48day pheno
If your making f2's of that your going to have a a lot of willing testers
Cheers torontoke, that was one a few that wasn't hit this round. But damn with a 7 weeks finish I'll have to try and pollinate around 2 weeks to get any seeds - lol

It will be hit at some point though, would love to transfer that strong tangerine flavour and 7 week finish ;)


Well-Known Member
Cheers torontoke, that was one a few that wasn't hit this round. But damn with a 7 weeks finish I'll have to try and pollinate around 2 weeks to get any seeds - lol

It will be hit at some point though, would love to transfer that strong tangerine flavour and 7 week finish ;)
This sounds like it would be fire with my Tangerine Power.......... and I'd be curious to see what the speed of yours to flower out would do crossed with my (2) TP's that take a while to get going in veg...............


Well-Known Member
Exactly what I was thinking over here lol............
I may have been lucky but out of 3 fem seeds of this Blue Pyramid I got two keepers and the 3rd which I ran with this one was good, just not as good as the one I kept. All very similar, all early, worth a 5 pack imo, pretty well guaranteed an early finishing fire keeper ime.

Will be interesting to see how this one does with some veg and training. The first one I ran I loved but was a low yielder. But this pheno I kept is looking like a champ for yield as well :)


Well-Known Member
Some more loud terps out of the flower room. Pulled these last night, will get them chopped and hung in the next day or two between festivities bongsmilie

Blue Pyramid in 1 gal, down on the end with 28w/sq. ft. 1st gen clone finished in 48 days. Nice early finisher, chunks of tangerine hash off the vine, yum :)

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Blue Ripper F2/P3 keeper, 3 gal at Day 73, on the end with 22w/sq. ft., slow finish but no loss in yield I'd say. This one will go on to mother F3's once I find an appropriate F2 male. She has a lower branch back-crossed to the F1 Blue Ripper male to see what pops from that end of the cross. 1st gen clone, looks like she likes training and very acceptable production. This one has the strongest combo of cannabinoids in the garden. I (nor anyone who's tried it) can smoke this and go out in public, or at least not interacting with anyone, just makes you stupid stoned :)

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Cheers :bigjoint:
Still straight killing it with astonishing regularity, making it look easy!


Well-Known Member
Will be signing off shortly and on/off here & there over the next couple of days between eating binges :) Wanted to wish everyone happy holidays and hope you all get some time with family & friends. Hope you're all healthy & prosperous in the new year. May the MJ gods bring huge budz for you all in 2017!

Shot of the remaining girls last night :weed:


Cheers :bigjoint: