YO! Bob Zmuda check in

i'll be honest. That's the one thing i'm terrified of.

I fucking LOVE sleep and I need it or I'm a zombie/crankybutt.

I'm fucked huh?
Amphetamines help a fuckton with that. I used to avoid sleep for 3-5 days at a time with one day for sleep in between for 3 years straight. Nightmares. You get it.

If you have a hard time with sleep deprivation, even SOF and pilots use amphetamines as "go" pills. Your wife won't be able to use them if she's nursing, but it'll make it easier if she won't let you sleep in the beginning. I recommend talking to a doctor about Vyvanse, to keep it safe and legal. Vyvanse is smoother than Adderall.
I get 3 months paid leave from work so I'm PRETTY STOKED ON THAT SHIT!!!!
youll need it . LOL its extremely hard to adjust , once youre home youre like okay wtf do i do now?
its so surreal.
help mom out as best as possible, if she has a pump offer to take a night feeding by using bm in a bottle so mom can get some extra rest

and i guess the biggest "advice" id give is you will figure out what works for you your baby and your wife, i know everything today is very scary sids caused by this, co sleeping is bad, co sleeping is good, bottles are shitty, this brand has made someone have a tiny red spot, dont use this dont use that
but just dont let it overwhelm you
The first 2 months for us it was all like "sleep baby, why are you so broken!?!?". Then after that she did sleep better. So sounds like you'll have a good month to count sheep. And gray hair.
its so weird cause they sleep so much but its like cat naps almost

you dont realize how tired you are after a month of waking up every 2 hours to feed a child for 40 minutes to sleep for like 27 seconds.
Amphetamines help a fuckton with that. I used to avoid sleep for 3-5 days at a time with one day for sleep in between for 3 years straight. Nightmares. You get it.

If you have a hard time with sleep deprivation, even SOF and pilots use amphetamines as "go" pills. Your wife won't be able to use them if she's nursing, but it'll make it easier if she won't let you sleep in the beginning. I recommend talking to a doctor about Vyvanse, to keep it safe and legal. Vyvanse is smoother than Adderall.
I'm a pretty "up" person (main reason i smoke weed, always too hyper/aggro)

I've taken adderall a few times and it was NOT good. Uppers do not mix well with me.

Plus I feel like my weed/beer habit is already enough. Don't think I should add more substance. (crazy addictive personality too):shock:
youll need it . LOL its extremely hard to adjust , once youre home youre like okay wtf do i do now?
its so surreal.
help mom out as best as possible, if she has a pump offer to take a night feeding by using bm in a bottle so mom can get some extra rest

and i guess the biggest "advice" id give is you will figure out what works for you your baby and your wife, i know everything today is very scary sids caused by this, co sleeping is bad, co sleeping is good, bottles are shitty, this brand has made someone have a tiny red spot, dont use this dont use that
but just dont let it overwhelm you
See?! This post right here has me freaking out already!:o
I'm a pretty "up" person (main reason i smoke weed, always too hyper/aggro)

I've taken adderall a few times and it was NOT good. Uppers do not mix well with me.

Plus I feel like my weed/beer habit is already enough. Don't think I should add more substance. (crazy addictive personality too):shock:
Just a suggestion, in case you find yourself wanting to sell your soul to the Devil for some sleep. Adderall is a bit more harsh. Vyvanse was smooth and enjoyable. Do what you will, of course, I just hate to see a man struggle.
Just a suggestion, in case you find yourself wanting to sell your soul to the Devil for some sleep. Adderall is a bit more harsh. Vyvanse was smooth and enjoyable. Do what you will, of course, I just hate to see a man struggle.
when you have kids you just do it, your body is much more capable when its for something like keeping a baby alive its weird
Just a suggestion, in case you find yourself wanting to sell your soul to the Devil for some sleep. Adderall is a bit more harsh. Vyvanse was smooth and enjoyable. Do what you will, of course, I just hate to see a man struggle.
My kid just got switched to Vyvance from ritalin and the 30mgs are too strong so she's going to 20s. So now I have half a bottle of ritalin and a full bottle of vyvance.:grin: