is it a myth?

Me too. Maybe @whitebb2727 can chime in on this but I think its as simple as some alligator clips on a silver dollar in some water with some low DC voltage..............
I use a board to lay over a quart jar. Drilled two holes about an inch apart. cut the end off a cell charger and connected the wires to two pieces of silver wire. The leads or silver should not touch. Lay the board over a jar and drop an air stone plug in. You want an amber color. It will turn more of a brown or blackish over time. Keep the spray from light when you store.
IMG_20160512_114343579.jpg IMG_20160512_114436.jpg
I use a board to lay over a quart jar. Drilled two holes about an inch apart. cut the end off a cell charger and connected the wires to two pieces of silver wire. The leads or silver should not touch. Lay the board over a jar and drop an air stone plug in. You want an amber color. It will turn more of a brown or blackish over time. Keep the spray from light when you store.
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Thanks for posting that, really cool!
I would not recommend buying CS from the store as it has definilty lost silver suspension in some amount. Buy a cheap generator on ebay for $30. Get some distilled water and plug it in. Most even come with a few spray bottles as well.

Here is a link to someone who knows. SOrry didnt realize someone posted it already....good info though.

"Colloidal Silver works by being composed of particles so small, that they can easily pass through the plants cells. Once the Colloidal Silver particles are in the plant, they bond to the existing copper molecules. Normal female cannabis plants, use these copper molecules to produce the hormone Ethylene, which is what "tells" them that they are supposed to make normal female flowers (calyxes with pistils). When the Colloidal Silver bonds with the copper molecules, this is inhibited and the plant instead produces pollen sacs."
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Why? Most of it is junk, over priced and you don't get very much.

All a person needs is a piece of silver and an old cell charger.

You have used most of them? I have bought two sprays that work perfectly fine for years now. Why would I waste time with silver and a cell phone charger? LikeI just have that stuff sitting around. It's a lot more than just needing a cell charger and some sliver. As stated in your very own post. I'll stick with the spray, it works. You don't need a lot of it either. Thanks for the advice though.
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You have used most of them? I have bought two sprays that work perfectly fine for years now. Why would I waste time with silver and a cell phone charger? LikeI just have that stuff sitting around. It's a lot more than just needing a cell charger and some sliver. As stated in your very own post. I'll stick with the spray, it works. You don't need a lot of it either. Thanks for the advice though.
I've used a few brands. The quality varies wildly. Not all strains respond the same either.

Goodwill has chargers for 50 cents. 9 volt batteries work. The cost of one bottle of spray will buy enough silver to make gallons of spray.

It is pretty simple. A battery or cell charger and a piece of silver. some water and a jar. The air stone is not needed but makes a better product.

If you have a couple brands that work I am all ears. I would be glad to try them out.

In the mean time I will continue to make it for pennies on the gallon.

Maybe I should start making it an selling it. Most brands are pretty costly.
it is also worth noting that it is said feminized seeds are more likely to produce hermies so a percentage of the offspring may turn hermie on you when you don't want it

it may also be true that if you force a feminized plant to hermie... the offspring is double likely to produce a percentage of hermie prone offspring
so therefore you might want to start with seed from regular seed stock and not begin your endeavor with what is already a feminized seed

that was hard to get worded out
hope it makes sense

not true at all. spraying a plant with a chemical such as c/s does absolutely nothing to the dna of the plant, it simply inhibits the plant from producing ethylene, the hormone that tells the plant to grow female, pistillate flowers, and instead, the plant grows male, stamenate flowers in their place..
so long as the mother plant is stable, it's offspring will also be stable.. again, the spraying the plant with any chemical doesn't cause any hermie trait that wasn't already present in the plant to begin with to happen..
if the mother was stable, you'll be stable, non hermie prone seeds, this is true whether you create feminzed seeds from the mother, or normal, male / female seeds from the mother.. if it's not stable, and there's a hermie gene present, than obviously, the offspring will have the same chance of expressing those traits as the mother has, again, this is true no matter what kind of seeds you were to make from the mother..
so long as the mother is stable, there is no hermie gene present, and the only reason she grew balls in the first place was because it was sprayed with a chemical, such as collodial silver, which told the plant to stop producing the hormone ethylene, which is the reason the plant grows female flowers.. if you never sprayed the flower with a chemical such as c/s, you'd never have balls on the plant, meaning that there's no hermie gene present in the plants genetics, so there's no way to pass on a trait that's not there to begin with..
No. It inhibits the production of ethylene to stop female flowers and force male pollen sacs. You cross the pollen to another female. The lack of a male chromosome make the offspring female.

No. The smaller the silver particle the better it works.

If making it, use the smallest voltage possible (cell charger) and an air stone to move water around the electrodes.
It doesn't cause hermie off spring. As long as the parents are stable, the off spring will to.

The herm thing is carried over from the days of using stress to make pollen. CS is not stress and just inhibits ethylene.
I grow in a small space so I use fem seeds so I don't have to sex them. I have had one out of many, many fem beans herm on me and it was my fault.

I even make them myself.
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i guess i should have finished reading the entire thread before replying, lol..
not true at all. spraying a plant with a chemical such as c/s does absolutely nothing to the dna of the plant, it simply inhibits the plant from producing ethylene, the hormone that tells the plant to grow female, pistillate flowers, and instead, the plant grows male, stamenate flowers in their place..
so long as the mother plant is stable, it's offspring will also be stable.. again, the spraying the plant with any chemical doesn't cause any hermie trait that wasn't already present in the plant to begin with to happen..
if the mother was stable, you'll be stable, non hermie prone seeds, this is true whether you create feminzed seeds from the mother, or normal, male / female seeds from the mother.. if it's not stable, and there's a hermie gene present, than obviously, the offspring will have the same chance of expressing those traits as the mother has, again, this is true no matter what kind of seeds you were to make from the mother..
so long as the mother is stable, there is no hermie gene present, and the only reason she grew balls in the first place was because it was sprayed with a chemical, such as collodial silver, which told the plant to stop producing the hormone ethylene, which is the reason the plant grows female flowers.. if you never sprayed the flower with a chemical such as c/s, you'd never have balls on the plant, meaning that there's no hermie gene present in the plants genetics, so there's no way to pass on a trait that's not there to begin with..

This is a good post but I feel I should correct one point.

There is no hermie "gene". The plants are stressed during breeding to see which ones resist the most problems. If the breeder actually does this.

Any cannabis plant can reverse some if it is reacting to enough stress. Or if it's genetics are pre disposed to hermie and ignored and we kept breeding with them for effect like Chemdog or Diesel and Thai.

That is one of the things that make some strains beginner strains and some advanced. They are more difficult to grow without problems.
This is a good post but I feel I should correct one point.

There is no hermie "gene". The plants are stressed during breeding to see which ones resist the most problems. If the breeder actually does this.

Any cannabis plant can reverse some if it is reacting to enough stress. Or if it's genetics are pre disposed to hermie and ignored and we kept breeding with them for effect like Chemdog or Diesel and Thai.

That is one of the things that make some strains beginner strains and some advanced. They are more difficult to grow without problems.

from what i understand, there are two types of hermaphroditism in cannabis, genetic, as well as environmental..

Genetically, some marijuana strains are more sensitive to hermaphroditism than others. This can be explained by the genetic origins of the strain – Thai sativas, for example, usually reach a high percentage of hermaphrodite plants – or also by the technique used when producing seeds (GA3,…).
from what i understand, there are two types of hermaphroditism in cannabis, genetic, as well as environmental..

Genetically, some marijuana strains are more sensitive to hermaphroditism than others. This can be explained by the genetic origins of the strain – Thai sativas, for example, usually reach a high percentage of hermaphrodite plants – or also by the technique used when producing seeds (GA3,…).

Ok. We are agreeing. I just said pretty much the same thing.