Sorry about the long post its my first time but I just had to find help....

OK so this was my third attempt at making cannabutter.. The first 2 where failed attempts one with firecracker's. As I researched more I learned the Crock-Pot method.
So This is what I did....

-3/4 stick of butter
-2 cups of water
-6 grams of fine ground basically crumbled when I pinched it) high grade from around my area (usually only takes about a bowl or maybe .5 to get up there normally)

-Set crockpot on high to get water nice and hot and let it go for about a hour and a half.
-Put the butter in waited about 30 min for it to melt
-Added the finely ground herb
-turned it to low after about 30 min stirring it every 10-20 min
-after a couple of hours I would switch it to high for approximately 45 min stirring every 10 min so it wouldn't burn
-Doing that back and fourth (couple hours low 45 min then high, for a total time of 12 hours)
-I then turned it off took the pot out and let it sit and cool slowly for about an hour and half.
-Strained it through cheese cloth and squeezed all the liquid I possibly could from it.
-I strained a little bit at a time so I can get all I could from it.
-i then let it set in fridge over night patient as I could be all through the process..

So I woke up (yesturday) took about a 1/7 of the butter I had I figured a little over half a gram dose should be well enough... Me and my wife tried it (a 1/7 or about a little over a half gram each) with hot chocolate by heating up the milk in microwave letting it cool a minute then added budder not the best taste but better then toast. We drank it 30 min after eating a mid size breakfast..

After about a hour she said she felt as if smoking good reg.. all I felt was extreme drowsiness (could be BC of the little sleep had about 6hours sleep) or I took too much or not enough...

First question -Obviously did I do it right? But... did I take too much? Or maybe it wasn't enough? I'm not an expert so Ik my budder isn't going to be the strongest. So maybe it wasn't enough to peak but just enough to make me sleepy??? I wouldn't mind feeling what others feel eating too much lol I like extreme highs.. but that just felt like failure again... Has anyone experienced this?

Second if you can see the picture there is a white liquid almost in the middle that squeezed out as the last bit of oil from the plant matter. Is that potent oils? Or just my imagination lol

Also maybe it's BC I ate before I drank it. Or should I have not eaten anything?

One more thing is this decarboxylation I get what it's for and how it works.... but do u do that even when it's in the butter for 12 hours?

I'm trying not to give up I have about half of my butter left and debating on eating it all that should be about 2.5 left but I'm worried all I'm gonna do is waist it BC I'll get tired and pass out...

Thanks for reading :)
So I took a little piece off The butter maybe equally to .25 this morning then about a hour later half of what I took..
Feeling a bit it of a body high smoked about 2 his from bowl and immediately gone with mild drowsiness.. so it's working at least trying.... maybe the butter is too weak. But still doesn't explain why it makes me so tired.. when I took a little over half a g worth of butter
Wow so about 2 hours after the last reply I passed out for 12 hours... again more tired then any "kind of high"

I'm just confused lol there's nooooo way this butter is that strong and I'm a heavy smoker.
Wow so about 2 hours after the last reply I passed out for 12 hours... again more tired then any "kind of high"

I'm just confused lol there's nooooo way this butter is that strong and I'm a heavy smoker.

Medibles make you sleep more than get high,you will feel high before it makes you sleep and produce wild dreams,a restless sleep,but makes the body not want to move...
40grams sugar leaf
small crock pot
1 stick of butter
cover weed with water
set on high 1 hour
return temp to low,let cook over night,use mason jar and fruit strainer,fill jar,set in refer 12 hours.
grab brownie mix that uses 1 stick of butter...makes 16 servings
I don't want that feeling tho Im looking for the stoned and active feeling.. Not that sleepy dead feeling :/

Edibles don't give you that kind of high. It gives you a very narcotic, dirty, tired high. I don't like it myself, but I can see a lot of people liking it for medical symptoms.
I guess the question I'm asking here is if you take too little cannabutter will it make you as tired as if you had taken too much.. Ik that makes no sense
but have you ever smoked a little bit that wasn't enough to get stoned but enough to get a buzz but bc of that you got tired a lot quicker than normal????
That's what I'm wondering about the cannabutter if anyone ever ran into that?
Ok so tried again today this time a little less lol and yea it's working I did waaaaaaay too much the first time... still takes a hit or 2 of bowl but when I do it's amazing I think I will try decarbing it next time since every where online says to..... but had slight nausea after 45 min went away fast then it started kicking in then I smoked a tiny bit to get that peak I am tired af but I can fight it now
You need to decarb the weed first. Look up the charts on decarbing they are on google. I used to just using a toaster oven on med-high settings and putting the weed in there 25 mins.... not too scientific but it worked.

After that you melt the butter (using water helps prevent you overheating the butter and burning it, then ruining it) you drop your decarbed weed in there keep it nice and warm butter melty for a good 90 mins more or less.... stirring constantly.... like every other min...

This mix I would put in fridge then the butter congeals on top. That can get scooped out to use as you wish.... i never even bothered with cheesecloth bc most the sediment falls through the water. Whatevers left in the butter itself goes down the hatch.... a little extra fiber lol...

I believe by cooking it so long you affected the potency.

Another thing - go back to the strain. If you are using a potent indica it'll knock you out no matter what. Smoke it eat it vape it - you going down..

I live in Colombia and I can only legally buy concentrated oils which I take orally. I have found that if I just take the drops alone very similar to what you describe. If I take the drops and then eat a sandwich or somethig it kicks in faster. If i take the drops right before a good lunch I will be super stoned in about 20 mins and it will last a long time. Basically you want to get your stomach working if you want a fast effect. Get it pumping and digesting...

Also- edibles are, for me at least, waaay stronger than just smoking... so you want to get used to it - start small then up the dose. Have fun.
You need to decarb the weed first. Look up the charts on decarbing they are on google. I used to just using a toaster oven on med-high settings and putting the weed in there 25 mins.... not too scientific but it worked.

After that you melt the butter (using water helps prevent you overheating the butter and burning it, then ruining it) you drop your decarbed weed in there keep it nice and warm butter melty for a good 90 mins more or less.... stirring constantly.... like every other min...

This mix I would put in fridge then the butter congeals on top. That can get scooped out to use as you wish.... i never even bothered with cheesecloth bc most the sediment falls through the water. Whatevers left in the butter itself goes down the hatch.... a little extra fiber lol...

I believe by cooking it so long you affected the potency.

Another thing - go back to the strain. If you are using a potent indica it'll knock you out no matter what. Smoke it eat it vape it - you going down..

I live in Colombia and I can only legally buy concentrated oils which I take orally. I have found that if I just take the drops alone very similar to what you describe. If I take the drops and then eat a sandwich or somethig it kicks in faster. If i take the drops right before a good lunch I will be super stoned in about 20 mins and it will last a long time. Basically you want to get your stomach working if you want a fast effect. Get it pumping and digesting...

Also- edibles are, for me at least, waaay stronger than just smoking... so you want to get used to it - start small then up the dose. Have fun.

Well the thing is your lucky to be in a fine state that legalized using it... I unfortunately am not so lucky.. so basically I never know what I'm dealing with. But I always test with a quick smoke before even starting so Ik its not the bud....

Are you saying I cooked it too long? I always heard to cook it as long as possible just not over 24 hours. and also I heard that a crock pot is best for the long period of time..

But you are definitely right about the eating something not a full stomach but something as you said to get it working
Ok so making a second batch this time I Decarbed then let it cool placed in crock pot and less then a hour and wow the smell I can tell a difference!!!!

This time I'm using pretty good Reggie's but did 3/4 oz and 2 sticks of butter.

Thinking of just setting it in there 7 hours most people on Google say 6 or 8 so going in between but idk I heard longer is better..... but I a LP so heard too long will deplete it...