I don't hate women, but you you're are a loser and a disgusting excuse for a human
you're nothing but a racist cry-baby , you cant even fuck yourself , too fucking ugly to get a hard on, with a dick that small it wouldn't matter anyway
Hurry up and die arsehole
how upset are you?
Not at all, you want to throw shit , so do I
you seem upset.
At least I can grow pot , unlike you and your spindly shit
normally all the angry, overweight, old, white people who have been victimized by equality
These cops weren't all killed with stolen weapons. I still think the bigger question is, why are so many white guys going crazy and killing so many cops. No respect, It must be a cultural thing. What do you think?
It is a cultural thing because stupid doesn't recognize skin color. It comes primarily from a very specific sect of our culture where a bunch of losers have the same mindset to go out and do this type of shit.
It is a cultural thing because stupid doesn't recognize skin color. It comes primarily from a very specific sect of our culture where a bunch of losers have the same mindset to go out and do this type of shit.
more than anything else, it exposed what a jew-hating piece of shit neo-nazi you are.
you seem upset.
Name Calling or general rude behavior is no longer acceptable in the Cafe, We are adults which means that we should be able to debate without resorting to name calling.
O rly? I've only been active on the site a few weeks and I see you triggered all over the place, constantly flaming fires. You seem pretty upset about everything so it's kind of funny to see you say something so ironic.
i almost forgot all about that after the news broke about his dick not working.
Yo if you wanna fuck him take it to the DM's, you're being a bit of a drama queen. You don't actually think anyone on this site cares if the guys dick works, lol you keep throwing that out there as if he didn't already publicly post it himself. Let the butthurt floooooow through you
He's probably so butt hurt, he's going to start another account and start complaining about name calling, what a pussy, huh.
There's no face palm smilie on this board unfortunately, I've been here for 5 years while you've been here a couple months, reading comprehension > you