trump supporters, is this your idea of draining the swamp?

You think I've not received criticism? Feel free to point it out when I say something that offends you. I can take it. Stowandgro seems to think I go overboard.

What do you mean when you said I am "not held to the same misogynistic attitude as myself"? I'm not challenging the statement nor arguing with you about it. I'd like to know what you mean by it.

I don't understand why you say the things you do when the discussion veers to racism and bigotry. You say the most ignorant shit sometimes.

I've used mysogynistic terms to describe women like Flaming Pie and don't regret them. She IS a fat hog, by the way. It's an apt description. Not nice, but true. I'd think a hog would be insulted by the comparison. Feel free to defend hogs too.
Lol, we surely do seem to view the world in a very similar way. I look forward to your posts, perhaps especially when I don't fully agree with them. They are at the least unfailingly thought provoking.
And your just looking for a excuse to start a argument.

It's only racist if you want it to.

In canada we only have 1 colour./.......
There are millions of Canadians who'd love to have you say that to their face, moron.

But keep digging. You need all the tar sands you can get.
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i fail to see the issue with withdrawing from the l̶e̶a̶g̶u̶e̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶n̶a̶t̶i̶o̶n̶s̶ united nations.

I'm not a big fan of the UN but Trump and his handlers have something planned internationally. Trump has checks and balances here at home but he has much more power internationally. He controls the military and intelligence services and is chummy with that psycho that started Blackwater, something bad is being planned.
I'm not a big fan of the UN but Trump and his handlers have something planned internationally. Trump has checks and balances here at home but he has much more power internationally. He controls the military and intelligence services and is chummy with that psycho that started Blackwater, something bad is being planned.

i was using sarcasm to point out that the first thing hitler did was withdraw from the league of nations.

withdrawing from the UN would basically hand over all power to russia.
I'm not a big fan of the UN but Trump and his handlers have something planned internationally. Trump has checks and balances here at home but he has much more power internationally. He controls the military and intelligence services and is chummy with that psycho that started Blackwater, something bad is being planned.

Maybe he's the 3rd anti christ or 7th which ever one Nostradamus predicted :O
LOL That reads like something from a Dr Bronner's soap bottle.

He actually was sane for the first few paragraphs, then drove off the cliff when he started talking about Illuminati. Oh Well.
Do he's the 6th? I don't feel like reading it I've seen the documentary numerous times
That wasn't a documentary. There hasn't ever been a documentary on the subject. Mockumentaries, yes and Fakeumentary, and Moronumentary, and Nutumentary, or Mythumentary, or Wackomentary or Truthyumentary or @flamingpieumentary but nothing that can be fairly described as a

"1. a movie or a television or radio program that provides a factual record or report."
LOL That reads like something from a Dr Bronner's soap bottle.

He actually was sane for the first few paragraphs, then drove off the cliff when he started talking about Illuminati. Oh Well.

That wasn't a documentary. There hasn't ever been a documentary on the subject. Mockumentaries, yes and Fakeumentary, and Moronumentary, and Nutumentary, or Mythumentary, or Wackomentary or Truthyumentary or @flamingpieumentary but nothing that can be fairly described as a

"1. a movie or a television or radio program that provides a factual record or report."

So you didn't answer my question

I call It a documentary it was on history channel!